What is the deal with pork?


Full Member
I know that originally Dukan said no pork and now has amended the diet for other nationalities and tastes to include it. What I don't really get is that I have seen pork such as escalopes etc with no visible fat whatsoever.

For those that stick to the true version (I am myself - so far) does it really have too much fat? Or is there another reason for not eating it? Surely it can't have more fay than lean minced beef?

Whilst I'm posting. When you're having a PV day how much veg do you have? I know its supposed to be two thirds protein and one third veg but is the veg introduced on these days only so that we get a bigger range of vitamins and minerals? Does having the veg bring us out of ketosis?
Ive never limited my veg - i have as much as i want on a pv day and its never effected my loss - but i guess everyone is different
After finding out pork was allowed the other day, I did buy some lean pork chops.
It was nice to have something different but I know pork is a fattier meat-so will only have it occasionally.

I didnt realise the protein/veg quantities-I do have loads of veg. If I find I start to stall then I will look at this. Thanks for the info :)
I have never limited my vegetables.
We need them.
I found some ham light 2% fat but I don't like it that much.