What sort of wkly losses for 3st loss goal


Full Member
Hi guys
I want to lose about 3stone, but I have a strict deadline as we r moving to Australia and want to be back on normal food before we fly out. We are hoping to leave in July, so just wondering what sort of weekly loss rate you have had if anyone had the same 3st goal?
Rissole76 said:
Hi guys
I want to lose about 3stone, but I have a strict deadline as we r moving to Australia and want to be back on normal food before we fly out. We are hoping to leave in July, so just wondering what sort of weekly loss rate you have had if anyone had the same 3st goal?

If u stick to it 100% thats doable! They say a stone a month so 3/4lbs a week! First week is usually higher due to water retention...goodluck with ur journey, both s&s, and Australia!! X