What things have you noticed whilst you losing weigth or peoples comments?


Addicted to this site lol
My god I have noticed some changes and I must say all for the better.
Size clothes going down rapidly
Went shopping yesterday and got a few second glances.
I can run up the stairs(I live in a town house) 3 flights of stairs to my bedroom.
I can walk long distances without thinking I am going to die of exaustion.
But the best one I was looking thorugh some old photos(well last summer pics) and I was gasping in shock horror at the way I looked, my husband decided to have a look and as he done so I just had gone to a different pic of me and with a puzzeled looked on his face he asked who's that???? I laughted before the reality set in to him....That person was me! Still got a long way to go but my own hubby didn't recognise me (we been married 19years and known each other over 20).
Keep up the good work everyone and good luck
I've also noticed so many little changes...obviously there's the not getting puffed out half as easily, finding it easier to do almost everything. Also, I had a skin condition for almost 11 years (it's to do with insulin resistance and makes the skin turn brown) and 9 weeks on CD it has completely disappeared! Used to have adult acne as well, and it too has disappeared! I love CD!
I'm in a size 16 for the first time in about 8 years and in another few weeks i expect i'll be into a 14!! Not since i was a teenager have i fitted into a size 14 so it's amazing! Also people who haven't seen me for a while have been saying things like "you look amazing" which is nice to hear lol. I think the biggest change i have noticed is that i have a lot more confidence in myself. I don't feel like everyone is staring at me for being so overweight now. It feels great to be able to shop in "normal" stores now as opposed to buying clothes from ebay because i was too embarrassed to go clothes shopping.

I just wish i had found CD years ago lol
I don't feel bloated all the time from eating too much! I also feel freed from my battles with food and the constant guilt cycle!!
I've also had a bit of an epiphany about food and my relationship with it. Before CD, food was my comfort, my crutch, something to have when bored. Now, food is nothing more than sustenance. It is what I need for energy and nothing more.

I'm sure a lot of you can relate to this and since realising this simple thing I feel so positive about my future. Might seem a bit melodramatic, but doing CD is seriously the best thing I have ever done for myself.