What to do & how it works?

Hi everyone I've been on and off weight watchers for a while now but I would like to try slimming world. I can't afford to go to the meetings so I would be very grateful if someone could tell me what to do and how it works? Thanks :) x
hey, its probably easier to send you here .... Lose weight in a week with Slimming World to have a read through their free bits and bobs.

you need to be a paid member to see the syn values etc, but the basics are there about food optimising.

anything you get stuck on, just yell. xxx
oh, and buy yourself a slimming world mag too.

best of luck x
The best way for you to fully benefit the amazing sw plan is to go to class to get all of the books as you'll find it almost impossible to follow the plan just from threads on here etc.
Once you have the books you don't have to go back but you never know you may actually enjoy the class x

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