What to do...


Writing not biting
...now that so little of my time is filled with eating - any/all suggestions welcome!!! I know I'm going to struggle in the evenings and weekends and would love to know how everyone fills that time that up until recently, for me, was used cooking and guzzling!!!!

Sarah x
diembroadhurst said:
I'd get yourself a copy of 50 shades of grey - that will be a good distraction if you like reading :)

Yea very true, got a copy from morrisons for half price- a good distraction I agree
I walk my dog more and take more long bubble baths but I must admit I got through all 3 50 shades in 5 days!

Hol x
Unfortunately have read 50 shades - liked the first book but not so keen on the second two

Will keep reading and tidying the house for the weekend to keep me busy I think.
How about a new hobby? Crafty-type stuff to keep your hands busy? My OH keeps me busy in the evenings otherwise I'd definitely have a go a something new like jewellery making or something x
Ver the last couple of days I've found myself offering to prepare food for friends and cooking for my partner. I've been cooking him healthy high protein meals and love getting his feedback on them. I've always been a keen cook but thought I couldn't cook with doing this diet but I've realised I am strong enough to do it without being tempted into eating it.

Maybe it is tempting fate but every time I cook I think to myself, ha you thought I would give in but noooo!!!

Hol x
My husband is working a lot at the moment but should calm down soon and then we can go out and about and do things.

Holly - not sure I'm at that stage yet as think I might cave and end up eating the contents of the fridge, maybe in a week or so the food temptation will have calmed down a bit.

Have spent today having a clear out and tidy of my house, not done yet but have made a big dent in what needs to be done so quite pleased with that!!!
Ver the last couple of days I've found myself offering to prepare food for friends and cooking for my partner. I've been cooking him healthy high protein meals and love getting his feedback on them. I've always been a keen cook but thought I couldn't cook with doing this diet but I've realised I am strong enough to do it without being tempted into eating it.

Maybe it is tempting fate but every time I cook I think to myself, ha you thought I would give in but noooo!!!

Hol x

Love this post! You know what Hol Im the same! I never normally cook (ever) but since being on this (and when I was on Cambridge and CS) I have found Ive loved cooking and even baking things like brownies and tiffin cake for my son! Luckily hes a rake and works out too lol but I have to admit I find Im less hungry when doing this and it is a good distraction!

Sarah - what about a game of some sort? Do you have a nintendo DS, ipad etc or what about books, jigsaw puzzles, or knitting!! Haha I used to love knitting when I was a little girl, havent done it for years mind...