What was your motivating moment?


Full Member
So then, what brought you all here?

For me it was going on some medication and the doctor saying 'come back in 3 months and weigh yourself, I bet you'll have put on weight'

Eh, no, not happening!
Unhelpful doctor! I'm not sure to be honest..I just decided that enough was enough,brought some books and calculator from the WW mag,joined this site and that was it!
sparklysunbeam said:
So then, what brought you all here?

For me it was going on some medication and the doctor saying 'come back in 3 months and weigh yourself, I bet you'll have put on weight'

Eh, no, not happening!

Eating 1600cals a day and not loosing any more weight after week 4. Some really unflattering photos (see blog for a couple) and the realisation that Cambridge diet wasn't a sensible r safe way to retrain my mind and attitude to food.
I had started getting heart palpitations and then got rushed into hospital with a SVT I was getting on for 19 stone (my heaviest ever) eating ridiculous amounts of food and my children were becoming more aware if that makes sense! Anyway I'm now 16-7 bmi 38.6 when it was 43.1 and classed as obese not morbidly obese,so I am very proud of myself,plus I've started aquafit and don't care about getting in a swimming costume :)
The first time it was wen I looked at pictures from a new year party and saw how big I'd got , second time round was when I put on a dress and my legs looked like the kebab they have on the sticks from all the fatty food I've eaten look
I just hit rock bottom when it came to food. I hated myself and hated food. Hated what food was doing to me and the fact that I allowed it to. I was also scared of dying.
For me it was a wedding in September.
This site alone has motivated me to see beyond a wedding and into "the rest of my life".
I wanted to lose 1st before the wedding, and I've done that in 6 weeks with 6 to go.
Plus if I get down to my goal weight there is a 2 week holiday treat to myself YIPEE!!!
Booking a holiday with my boyfriend (first hol together) Then realising that i weighed 3 stone more than him.

Also me not wanting to go out over christmas because i didnt want to buy new clothes

Initially for me it was the fact that (due to a mix of laziness on my part and comfort eating for various reasons I won't go into) my blood pressure had climbed to such a dangerous level that I was looking at a heart attack in the near future. At the time I was 25, so not really the news I wanted to hear!
Been dieting on and off ever since, and now I'm back here on WW after a stint calorie counting...which didn't work for me.
First time round I had been trying on and off (but not really trying properly) to lose a bit of weight, but then I realised how bad it had got, and getting a place on my PGCE course cemented it.

Second time around (yesterday!) it was more just the realisation that I was starting to not fit into the smaller clothes I'd had to buy, and I was just looking fatter again. I knew I'd been overeating so have decided to stop it again!
Realising that weight is one thing that I do have control over in my life and need to make positive changes - lost over 40lbs since then (Feb) :)
bolero982 said:
Initially for me it was the fact that (due to a mix of laziness on my part and comfort eating for various reasons I won't go into) my blood pressure had climbed to such a dangerous level that I was looking at a heart attack in the near future. At the time I was 25, so not really the news I wanted to hear!
Been dieting on and off ever since, and now I'm back here on WW after a stint calorie counting...which didn't work for me.

This is interesting, I was calorie counting 1600 a day- worked great for 3 weeks then sts then gained. How are you finding ww? Good luck!! Xx
This is interesting, I was calorie counting 1600 a day- worked great for 3 weeks then sts then gained. How are you finding ww? Good luck!! Xx
Cal-counting worked fine for me at first, but I found it so hard to stick too. I think the problem was having to count callories for all fruit and veg, which was leaving me hungry all the time...so I'd go and break the diet. WW is much better for me, what with free fruit and veg. Find that I loose more consistently, and certainly eSource helps. I'm in love with eSource!! :p
bolero982 said:
Cal-counting worked fine for me at first, but I found it so hard to stick too. I think the problem was having to count callories for all fruit and veg, which was leaving me hungry all the time...so I'd go and break the diet. WW is much better for me, what with free fruit and veg. Find that I loose more consistently, and certainly eSource helps. I'm in love with eSource!! :p

Me too!!! I love it so much especially as my combined (cal and ww) weightless now is nearly 2stone in just over 2months that ace! ;)