what was your turning point

I didnt want to be fat and 40 but I was....and at 45 at Christmas I made the decision not to be fat and 50! I felt frumpy and middle aged, yet i know Im capable of looking younger than my actual years. I was also sick of hiding from cameras and want to be happily in front of a lens for my birthday/christmas next year.

I waited til the boys went home after the christmas break and started on 10th January. So far, so good xx
I've not been happy with my size since I was about 14. I've always been chubby & overweight. I never go out as I have no confidence in myself (even now). It wasn't until a friend took a photo & I could see where my weight had reached its peak (13st) & I was only 23. A few days later my friend told me about SW, I joined that week.
gemmie1302 said:
I'm hoping for at least another stone off by then. Dont fancy the heat with carrying around the extra pounds.

Are you looking forward to it? xx

Very much so! Haven't been abroad in a couple of years and have missed it. Hotel looks like heaven! Xx
For me I have always been a bigger girl and it took being taken off the pill I was on because my blood pressure was too high for me to change my eating ways! My original focus when joining SW for the first time 2 years ago was to get my blood pressure back down to normal which thankfully it has been for eighteen months.

The weight started to creep back on last year and I decided to put a stop to the creep by re-starting SW this January. My clothes were becoming so tight and I didn't want to go to the next size up, it really upset me so I know I needed to make a change. My sisters wedding and my holiday this year are added incentives.
After baby number 5 put my blood pressure up and it will not come back bloody down without tabs >< (and as the doc on biggest loser said about Jessie, a young girl on tabs is a TERRIBLE thing, ok I'm 5 yrs older than her but at 27 I don't imagine it's much better) I seriously do not want to be on tabs I feel like an old biddy (I realise some people are on tabs their whole lives through no fault of their own and they can't change that but this is my own fault and I can change it)
I had my baby in May and got back into my normal clothes in the September. My husband proposed and we got married 9 weeks later. Then after the wedding I got lazy and greedy, especially over christmas, then I had to start wearing my maternity clothes again. It was an awful feeling not fitting in my normal clothes and wearing maternity clothes even though I wasn't pregnant!
I wasn't about to waste money getting bigger clothes so decided to do something about it.
Well done everyone for changing for the better x
After spending 3 months eating my way around NYC and then coming home eating myself silly for a further 4 months I decided it was time for a change.

I have always been big, when I was 16 I was a member of weight watchers and lost 3 stone but to be honest I didn't want to do it. The weight creeped back and more went on with it. I look at my graduation pictures and I look HUGE. I am starting a MA in September and I am determined not to look huge for those!!

The final straw came when I'd find myself laying in bed feeling breathless. I was used to walking around and feeling breathless after a while but not laying down. I decided something needed to be done, I was 24 and had issues breathing laying down?! I had thought about joining for ages then some friends joined and I joined with my mum the week after. Me and my mum go to a different meeting to my friends but it is still great having the support there at work, home and we go out.
Last year i got down to a size 8-10 by eating small amounts of pasta and rice based meals, at the time i swore i would never put the weight back on but here i am a size 14-16 so my turning point is now and every day when i know i can lose the weight and be back there but stay on slimming world to keep me there, as before i gave up once i lost the weight and went on to eat how i thought i wanted to eat.
A photo with my nephew.. Not because i was fat - i'd got used to that but my skin looked yellow and sallow with dark rings under my eyes i looke tired and just plain ill and i thought - christ, that cant be good. It took me a while to decide exactly what to do but a poster in the co-op and knowing someone else who did it and it worked i thought time to sort myself out. So glad i did, doctor told me today i have normal cholesterol & blood pressure. Still in the obese section but i'm going to damn well get in the green section of that graph! Very happy today :)
My biggest turning point must have to be when my Dad sadly died and his ashes were getting scattered in Northumberland 6 months after the funeral. I knew it would be cold so I wanted a really nice pair of boots to wear. A couple of days before I was leaving I went into a lovely she shop in town and saw 'the boots' - just what I wanted....but not only were my legs too fat for them but I could barely get them on due to my huge belly being in the way. I can still see the sales lady's face - a mixture of sympathy and sadness ( it was someone I knew ) and then me pretending I didnt really want them after all :(
It was actually 13 months after this that I got off my bum and did something positive but it's an incident I will never forget! x
When I was 16 I had gallstones and within the course of 2 months (from vomitting unfortunately) I had lost 3 stone! I went from 13 stone to 10 stone and felt amazing, after surgery, from not having been able to eat for a while (associating food with being sick) my appetite I guess was smaller. Unfortunately over the years it has grown again .
My turning point was the weekend, I was on a hen party and the pictures of me on the night out were horrific. I stood on the scales on Sunday evening and seeing 12 stone 7 pop up was it for me. I couldn't cope with being back to my biggest again, I'm 4 days in, which I know isn't much but I'm actually enjoying it (if I'm following it right), I guess we'll see.
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When I was 16 I had gallstones and within the course of 2 months (from vomitting unfortunately) I had lost 3 stone! I went from 13 stone to 10 stone and felt amazing, after surgery, from not having been able to eat for a while (associating food with being sick) my appetite I guess was smaller. Unfortunately over the years it has grown again over the years.
My turning point was the weekend, I was on a hen party and the pictures of me on the night out were horrific. I stood on the scales on Sunday evening and seeing 12 stone 7 pop up was it for me. I couldn't cope with being back to my biggest again, I'm 4 days in, which I know isn't much but I'm actually enjoying it (if I'm following it right), I guess we'll see.

Good luck x
The last two times Ive lost weight has been due to the birth of my girls. With both my pregancies I vowed to lose the baby weight I had gained. With my 1st child (Apr 2009), I look advantage of being pregnant and gained 3 stone which I lost. Then with my 2nd (June 2011) I only gained 1stone which I lost in three weeks but decided to go for the last 1.5stone I had never lost before I become a mum.

I didnt want to be a frumpy mummy
For me its beause i still look 9 months pregnant 5 weeks after having my so and that my belly has gone so big that i can just about fit my son on my lap to feed him.
I hav also looked at my wardrobe and my lack of nice clothes in particular a nice coat. I really really want to get a nice decent coat when it comes to winter again from somewhere like next x
I've 'known' I've needed to lose weight for a couple of years now but never been bothered to do anything about it...but my OH proposed to me at the end of November 2011 and that made me realise that I needed to do something about my spare tyres once and for all! So in January (after christmas feasting!) I joined my local group...and was shocked at how much I needed to lose to get to my target...nearly 5 stone(!), but I've already lost 18 pounds so I'm well on the way! Not getting married until Summer 2014 but hoping to shift all the weight this year and then maintain at the weight I want to be! So far so good! :)
My lightbulb moment came last year when my other half admitted bow much he really wanted a baby. I had been to the doctor's 2 years previous and he told me to get my bmi to under 30. I have pcos and have always used it as an excuse for being fat. When oh finally sat down with me and we talked he told me he loved me no matter what but when he sees me getting bigger when I know to have a baby in need to lose 9 stone it upsets him. Last march I joined slimming world and have lost 5 stone. 5 more to go this year. And we will be in a position to receive fertility treatment (we might even conceive naturally)
My turning point was having come to this weight and being a large size 14 after being a size 8 - 10 and loving it I just grew pretty disgusted with my self and was so unhappy at being a larger size my confidence just went so i'm doing slimming world hoping that i will get back to that happy size again and stay there this time, slimming world to me is a way of life that i hardly notice now x
Mine was this morning - realising that I'm about to hit 18stone which is 7 stone heavier than I was 10 years ago.I've been kidding myself for years that I look OK - I can't do that any more.
Mine was this morning - realising that I'm about to hit 18stone which is 7 stone heavier than I was 10 years ago.I've been kidding myself for years that I look OK - I can't do that any more.

I know i guess we all have to realise none of us were born this way x:)