What word do you dislike the most and why

An un-named person I work with says "you see what I'm sayin'?" CONSTANTLY. No. I don't see what you are saying. I HEAR it. annoying.

My assistant and I once counted how many times our boss swore in a team meeting, we lost count after he used the F word 87 times in half an hour. potty mouth.

I hate it when people say 'obviously' before explaining somethng which really isn't obvious.

and poor use of grammar (yes, I know I started the sentence with 'and' - what would my english teacher say!)

Missshiraz, they sound like southern terms - East Anglia-ish!
Well I am glad that I made you laugh Rachel!! My blood has just stopped boiling from my little rant!! Can't you see what I am saying?!

I see what you are saying!!:D

I know a chap who always starts speaking with " as i say" it really is irritating
So does my OH!! LOL! I cook him a really scrummy meal, with lots of tasty ingredients and lots of effort... and he says 'it was nice'! Arghhh!!! Please say it was delicious, or you enjoyed the spicy flavours, or something... not just nice!!!!!!! :mad:


My O/H used to say nice when refering to my meals too till I pointed out it was a pretty none discriptive word, now he says my meals look "interesting" so I'm adding interesting to my list of words I hate!
And I'm adding..... "you know" .... No I don't bl**dy know thats why I asked and you are trying to explain it to me....you know! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Oh I'm one of these people who say at the end of the day, for example;

"With all things considered, at the end of the day, with my hand on my heart, and my conscious fully cleansed, in the whole grand scheme of things... IT'S A F**KING PLANT!!"

For me its got to be that horrible c word. You know the one I mean, I don't see why people have to use it, it makes me think of a bad smell, there's got to be 101 other words for cabbage!
I hate the word done - always used in the wrong context:

'We done' - its 'we did' or 'we have done' drives me mad ahhhhhhhhhhh!
Oh I'm one of these people who say at the end of the day, for example;

"With all things considered, at the end of the day, with my hand on my heart, and my conscious fully cleansed, in the whole grand scheme of things... IT'S A F**KING PLANT!!"

OMG Squiddie, where is that from? It's driving me nuts lol
My pet hate is when people use vis-a-vis a lot in conversation. It is a phrase that makes my skin crawl, really unpleasant. I think my extreme reaction is due to having a bad boss once who used this all of the time and drawled it out too.
I hate the word gusset, dont ask me why it just knocks me sick!

It reminds me of old men underpants with a baggy gusset - uuurggghh :jelous:

I hate that, "yeah, yeah, sorted mate" it makes me want to throw things


I find the 'ch' hard to say (as in the 'ch' sound and not as you'd say it in Christmas etc) and this word has it TWO TIMES!!!

I avoid the word if possible as I hate having to say it.

:) xx