Whats for breakfast?

I had the magic porridge for the first time... But I really didn't like it :-(

Ended up just having fruit salad

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I didnt like my brekkie either. Had my usual two red grapefruit, love them, then tried All Bran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ended up in the bin, yes you can have double the amount of that ie 42g instead of 24, but you really wouldnt want it. Wasted a lot of my milk allowance too, it was truly vile!!!!
I didnt like my brekkie either. Had my usual two red grapefruit, love them, then tried All Bran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ended up in the bin, yes you can have double the amount of that ie 42g instead of 24, but you really wouldnt want it. Wasted a lot of my milk allowance too, it was truly vile!!!!

can i ask what you didn't like about the all barn? i'm really fussy with stuff like that but i put canderel stuff on top and it makes quite a bit of difference actually, just an idea for you :)
I didnt like it because I just couldnt swallow it to be honest. Just seemed such hard work and after about the 4th mouthful was beginning to make me feel a bit sick!!! Thanks anyway about the canderell, I am trying not to add too much artificial sweetener to my food as well as I dont think it is that good for you. How are you finding s w you have had some fab losses there, well done you!
yogurt and branflakes.

have just popped some grapes in the freezer ready for my morning snack. they will be like little juicy slush puppies by then! hmmm
Scrambled egg and tomatoes, and 3 rashers of bacon and gave in i couldnt resist the bf opened the easter egg so had my portion of egg ive saved up for all week :) yum yum xx
Funky monkey said:
Cant decide & am starving :(

Settled on wholemeal toast, slice boiled ham, mushrooms & poached egg
Must have some fruit later coz not much superfree in breakfast :( x
Had a very long lazy brekkie today, started with a banana and two clementines followed by a 2 egg omelette with bacon, tomato and LC cheese. Was yummy and just filling enough to last me til mid afternoon I reckon when my flatmate will probably want to go out for food...
Yummy 2x Quorn Sausages rubbed in barb seasoning, boiled mushrooms, 2x eggs fried in fry light and reduced tinned tomatoes with worcester sauce - yumster.

I even got told off by my daughter (11years) that I'm "having a lot of cooked breakfasts lately - are you sure you're losing weight?"

It's amazing even at her age she is beginning to equate amount to "too many calories." As my SW journey goes on I'm hoping to achieve some of that re-education with my family.
My hubby made breakfast while i had a rare lie in, bacon egg and beans. Was not ee so had a banana and a couple of yellow plums after hopefully this will be ok and count as my 1/3 superfree.
2xweetabix (HEB) and milk allowance (HEA)

And a hot cross bun just been for wiegh in and been dying for one all week plus im having a flexi day as bf has suprised me by booking us in at the hilton tonight and for dinner and breakfast :) straight back on it tommorow hopefully but thats was flexi-syns are for :) x