whats for lunch

I always try to eat quite light on a weigh day, so lunch today is a Mug Shot :)
I'm having mushroom and ham omelette with "fried" rashers and mushroom and loads of veg! I'm starving!!!!


(That's my first time posting a pic so I really hope it works!!!)
How so you make yours?? X

Just a carton of passatta, onion, tinned or fresh carrot(only had tinned carrot today) veg stock cube,worcester sauce, garlic, onion powder, chilli, basil salt, pepper and a teaspn of sweetener, cooked up then whizzed wih a blender, how you make yours xx
Just a carton of passatta, onion, tinned or fresh carrot(only had tinned carrot today) veg stock cube,worcester sauce, garlic, onion powder, chilli, basil salt, pepper and a teaspn of sweetener, cooked up then whizzed wih a blender, how you make yours xx

Tin toms veg stock cube onion carrots blended :) x
A big chicken salad, a toffee muller light and my HEXA of 3 Babybel lights
Vegetable salad, a yoghurt and some melon.
Homemade vegetable broth for lunch today :drool:
HM Soup and 1/2 chicken sandwich