Where/When do you weigh?


What time of day do you weigh yourself? Do you make sure you weigh the same time each week? Last Saturday was my 2nd weigh in and I weighed myself first thing, and then again before I had my lunchtime pack and by lunchtime I was a pound and a half lighter than in the morning!! I'm sure I probably should just stick to one time, but if there's that much of a difference then I want to get the lowest weight!!

Also, do you just weigh yourself at home or go to one of those machines in Boots etc? I find my scales at home quite accurate but I find myself getting on them every day to see how it's going and I'm not sure I want to do that!

How often do you weigh? Do you just weigh yourself once a week and that's that, or do you jump on more regularly?
Just weigh yourself at the same time every week and there will be no problems x

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Butt naked same day each week. But I do weigh daily anyway(but that's not the best thing, just my ocd)

Pick a day and be consistent. Same time, clothes etc

I binned my scales to stop the daily weighing habit. I use my Moms scales (which weigh 4lb lighter than any other scales, so I weigh myself fully clothed) once a week.
I go to Morisson's and use their well-point once a week, I wear the same clothes but I weigh-in a different times of the day, basically whenever I can be bothered to walk down there lol I am not a daily weigher as its too hit and miss.
Naked in the kitchen :)

Every Sunday occasionally if I can't wait until then I do pop on in the week always the same scales and first thing after my morning wee lol
Twice a day in PJs + empty-bladdered in our bathroom. :D

Sunday is the 'official' weekly weight though!
In the scuddy, in the bathroom. On a Saturday after I wake up either first thing in the morning, or after my sleep on nightshift.
Lexie_dog said:
In the scuddy, in the bathroom. On a Saturday after I wake up either first thing in the morning, or after my sleep on nightshift.

What's a scuddy?

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Welshtigger said:
What's a scuddy?

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