Wheres Bekimo?!!!

I am here Mandy! Fear not! I have just had a crazy weekend!

My night out was fabulous. Thankfully, I did not overdo it like last week though!! Although I spent the whole of yesterday in my PJ's resting up as I found a muscle in my stomach and pulled it!! Dancing the night away can result in a total waste of a Sunday, but hey, I had a good night.

Also, I met up with a group of friends I have not seen since August and they said some lovely things about how fabulous I was looking!! So I got some nice strokes there.

Thanks for the concern though! I am dancing on through to Xmas and my lovely cousin has me doing stomach crunches to strenghten them muscles I most recently discovered!!

B x
Really glad you had a good time. Hopefully it will show at weigh in again all that 'dancing' seems to suit your weightloss..........maybe I should give it a go!!!
Yeh, and there's the added bonus that it's fun and great for your social life!

I'd recommend it to anyone!

B x