Which method is most effective???

Hello lovely people. Im about to embark on a weight loss plan
.please guide me. Is it better to do slimming world or download fitness pal and stay within my calories. Ive already began excercise. Any help would be greatly appreciated
It's different for every person really. Some people find one plan easier while another may not. You have to find the one that works best for you. Personally, i'd done every diet/plan/regime under the sun with limited success until I tried SW and it just clicked for me. I find the plan incredibly easy and fun to follow and as such never feel the need to have "cheat" days but that doesn't mean it'll be the same for everyone. My mum joined the same time as me and even though we were eating the same stuff she'd stopped withing 3 months of joining as she'd gotten bored with it despite some success. I'd say try SW and see how you find it. The group support you get is definitely a bonus I find. I exercise 3-4 times a week and definitely think that helps a lot so good on ya for already starting that
I prefer Slimming World as I get hungry easily and feel sick with hunger.

Slimming world is easy once you get your head around it and stick with what it says and use common sense as regards portion sizes.

I eat until I am satisfied.

I measure my HEB and HEA correctly and have all my syns (you don't have to have all of them...I do...and enjoy them!)

If you follow it the way it says it does work. I am 1st 10.5lb down so far. :)

Another trick with Slimming World is not to skip meals....eat regularly, if you are going to be stuck somewhere take a cereal bar or something to nibble with even if you have to syn it. You need to keep your metabolism going.
I've tried them all over the years. Counting calories/my fitness pal works the best (quickest) for me - however I got sick of weighing everything out and SW is a great alternative and the one I am doing now, it is a little slower but much easier.
The one I have had the most success with is Primal.
I was a sugar and carb addiction. I would eat sweets,biscuits,crisps,chocolate,cakes,bread for fun.

I needed to break away from them so Primal was ideal for me.:)
I've tried calorie counting but it doesn't suit me at all, I really don't have the time or patience to weigh and measure every little thing. I've tried Weight Watchers and Scottish Slimmers in the past (waaaaaay past!) but have been on the Slimming World plan for the past ten weeks. I like the fact that I don't have to weigh and measure everything. There are a lot of foods I can make meals with without ever having to count anything. I never feel guilty about having 'treats' as either they're part of my plan or the everyday eating will counteract any gain I may make within a few days. When I started it, I was somewhat bemused by the variety of foods I was allowed to eat as much of as I wanted, then gradually settled down and realised it is as much as I need, not want. If you don't like to cook, then SW may not be for you, I've spent hours and hours more in the kitchen since signing up than I ever have before. Our meals have become much more varied as a result.
Hello lovely people. Im about to embark on a weight loss plan
.please guide me. Is it better to do slimming world or download fitness pal and stay within my calories. Ive already began excercise. Any help would be greatly appreciated
which ever one you can stick to long term is most effective . Everyone's different.