Who finds that Green Days fill you up more?


Nojo on the YoYo
I find that on red days I am hungry all day no matter what I eat, and I can eat LOTS! But on green days I get fullup really easily. EG today for lunch I had a jacket spud with Laughing Cow, lots of salad and 2 boiled eggs and am so full I can hardly move.

Yesterday I had a full roast dinner with lots of roast beef, veggies and synned my gravy and was still hungry afterwards so had to make my practically syn free chocolate cinnamon pancakes for afters!

Then I felt like a fatty mcfat fat and made some green tea before I went to bed.

Does anyone else find that green days are the filling days and red days you could eat for Britain?
I find green days satisying, but I really suffer from a 'bloated tummy' so I only have them occassionly (usually when I have a pasta meal) - so I eat mostly red days and as yet I haven't felt 'starving' hungry, but I do try to eat all of my syns though so I suppose that helps.
I'm good on green but always hungry on red! I'd rather do EE than red tbh but have the odd red day.

I had roast chicken and 4 different veggies for dinner last night and was hungry again quite soon after so had ryvita with more chicken for supper!

So yep, I'm with you chick!
Yeah Donnie I agree about the bloated tummy thing, I only have pasta when I make pasta n sauce or my yummy turkey bog - but only on a red day so I HEB my pasta so don't have a lot of it.

That tato weighs heavy on my tummy though. Want lie down :-(
I really love Green Days, but they make me bloated and yes, they do fill me up more.
I prefer Red though and bulk up on masses of the free foods.
I do love my chicken, I would live on chicken if I could. but every couple of days I need a green day cos i'm perpetually hungry if I do all red and that's when I fall off the wagon.
The only way not to feel hungry on red is to have LOTS of meat! Too expensive.