Who knows you're on Cambridge and what kind of a reaction do you get?

Only my two closest friends, partner and family know. No one else has really asked what I'm doing and just assumed I am being healthy, as I usually SS+ and if I have to eat meals with people, I don't turn it down. I just get something healthy and low carb. Plus I've already lost over 4 stone on calorie counting before (although I did gain a stone back) which makes people less inclined to ask what I'm doing.

I feel like if I talk about it, people will assume I'm going to gain all the weight back, etc.. which is something my family is already worried about. I exercise every day doing weights and other strength training/cardio and I feel like I have changed my lifestyle completely, but I don't like to discuss weight loss much as it's my body and my business and other people are usually all too quick to judge. I've also learnt whether you're overweight or 'normal', people will have something to say either way!

...End of rant, lol. :p
I am the same VLR! I feel like because I'm on SS+ it means I can get away with not telling people. I just plan my meal that I'm going to have carefully.

I don't want people to think this is a fad for me I want this to be the final thing that's changes my body and habits for good.

The people who do know.. Mum, partner, best friend, partners mum... Are the people I eat most with so they all understand and are willing to help. Others I can just work around them!
Having people over for dinner and just going to do chicken on the BBQ and veggies... Easy. Just have smaller portions.

I know exactly where you are coming from though... I almost feel if I tell people in cursing it haha
I think a lot of it is down to ignorance and closed minds.

The ironic thing is, I dont think I have ever taken is so many healthy vitamins and minerals in my life and I would bet my house I am eating a hell of a lot better, nutrition wise, than those who criticise it.
Thanks, Froggy - people just don't believe that you can do CD and feel really, really well on it for some unknown reason.
Have never fainted through lack of food in my whole life and don't plan on doing it now !
Thanks, Froggy - people just don't believe that you can do CD and feel really, really well on it for some unknown reason.
Have never fainted through lack of food in my whole life and don't plan on doing it now !

Lychco, i feel exactly the same way. I had to explain to my partner that the "Cambridge" in Cambridge Weight Plan came from "Cambridge University"... then he was like... "oh" so it's like a real thing... (face palm)
My husband and one work colleague (shes on lipotrim) My mum thinks im doing slimfast with a meal - didn't bother correcting her as CWP will be an issue even though it would be the same!?

Last time I told quite a few and got so much cr@p from people
I have told everyone who has asked lol. I've failed moserably so Many times so just thought this will put a bit of pressure on me to stick at it xx
Finally "confessed" to my work colleagues today that am doing CD : it was my boss' birthday and she'd brought in home made muffins, a lemon cheescake and fresh cream chocolate eclairs - as well as 2 punnets of strawberries.There are 10 (yes only 10) of us in our offic.e so it was a bit of a food fest to say the least!
Anyway managed to ignore the "Everyone help themseves to cake!" call by suddenly making myself very busy on the phone : when a dish of lovely juicy strawberries was put on my desk with a whispered "You can pop one of these in your mouth to be going on with!"......
Well, I can resist cake but have been known to eat my body weight in fruit on a daily basis, so the time had come to bite the bullet and say IT was on the CWP and unfortunately fruit is not an option.

Certain amount of incredulity when outlined what we can have - and lots of remarks like "But you must be so hungry!" and "But surely you feel faint/weak/ unwell..."
Answer no, no and no!
So not the negative response I was dreading after all - phew! And now have 9 extra helpers to keep me on track.
I think I'd like to come and work in your office, Lychco - not for the support, but the cake!

It's nice that after listening to what you had to say about the diet, your colleagues are all on board to help you through it.
You would be very welcome, CB ! The cakes/biscuits/ sweetie tin is a bit of a problem - I don't buy biscuits for home any more, and won't let myself do any home baking either, because as well as loving doing the baking I also love eating the results!My poor husband has had a doughnut in his sandwich box every day for the past 3 weeks because they're the only cakes I can find that come in packs of 5- one for each day - so if I pinch one he misses out.Even then I keep them in the freezer, just in case!He is incredibly supportive : have had a weight problem all my life and have been on (and off! ) diets since I was a teenager.At my heaviest I was nearly 16 stone and he weighs just 10 - would love to weigh less than he does but have never achieved it so far - am really hoping CD will get me there. Seem to find it easier when food is totally out of the equation.Sorry for rambling on so much ! xx
Wow! Ladies you are doing really well on your vlcd! When I did Cambridge only my husband knew (and kids but they weren't interested!) and he was and is very supportive. I found out my ex colleague was doing LLlite but she also kept it a secret and I do,understand that. Being open about it can just add extra pressure and why make a vlcd more difficult for oneself?

Ultimately it is whatever works and helps each of us stick to plan. But isn't it funny no one would dream of telling is not to over eat or if that extra slice of pizza or dessert would make us fatter but as soon as one is trying to lose weight on a vlcd people,are concerned about our health even well meaning people.
Kyra, good point and very very true!

I have found that people who are more overweight than I am are the most critical of it.

Lycho its brilliant that your colleagues are being so supportive, that must be a huge relief. Your hubby sounds lovely!

i have a big family meal out on Tuesday evening for my mum's 80th. Its in a lovely pub with a very fancy menu and not a salad in sight :eek: and there is o way I can get away with not eating. I am going to try and get a plain chicken breast with veggies but I just know how many sarcastic comments I will get. My mum has ALWAYS been very critical and not in the least supportive. In the past any time I said I was dieting she always without fail turned up with some fresh cream cakes for me. She hates any of her daughters being slimmer than her, always had, its very sad. She lives in France now, we get on far better when we are in different countries :D but the first thing she always says to me when she sees me is "you've got an awful thin face, really shows the wrinkles" :8855: it used to get to me but it just makes me have a sad laugh now.
Oh, Froggy ! I was smiling happily when began reading your post ( thank you - my hubby is lovely, and feeling ashamed of myself now that I
don't tell him that more often....)
I got more and more cross as I read on. What a bitter woman your mother is, and how sad that she can't appreciate you or your feelings, and support and encourage you. She sounds a very insecure and unhappy person and not deserving of " a big family meal in a lovely pub".
You should feel very, very proud of yourself that you can rise above her sniping and be with her on Tuesday : you are the adult in your relationship, sweetheart.
Moving on from the rant - could you phone the pub ahead of Tues and say you are on a restricted diet for health reasons ( which is true !) so could they please supply some grilled. chicken and a green salad ? Stress that the pub has such a good reputation that you hope they could

do this for you : failing that point out that your big family lunch is actually very good business for them!
If you get snipy comments from fa
Sorry , think this tablet is on the blink !! Probably all the steam coming out of me as am sooo cross writing this.
As was trying to say, if family make snipy comments just smile sweetly and say Oh, I'm sorry you felt the need to say that - then smile sweetly again and. change the subject.
Trust me , this really works and stops them dead in their tracks. xxxx
:) Thanks so much for your lovely posts there lycho and that is an excellent idea, both to ring the place first and the response to any sarcastic comments, thank you.

My mum is manic depressive and also has a personality disorder. Its not an excuse for how she behaves but it does explain it a bit. The only person who wanted this big get together was my scary sister. My mum didnt want to come over for her birthday, my mums husband (who just happens to be an ignorant, racist, homophobic bigot) went mental and initially refused to come but eventually agreed but says it means she can't come over at Christmas. My nice sister is dreading it, my step sister (who is married to my brother and is the daughter of my mums husband, PMSL :D) is dreading it, my mum is only doing it because she feels she has to. We are the most dysfunctional family known to man, I could write books about us :8855: so if we get through the evening without any horrendous arguments and tantrums we will be doing very well.

Anyone want to buy a ticket? :D
sOh dear it doesn't sound like a bundle of laughs does it .... yet you sound very forgiving of your family and it's good that you can keep your sense of humour about what is clearly going to be a stressful time rather than a relaxed family get-together.
Your Mum's husband would seem to be a particularly unpleasant piece of work!
Froggy, are you sure they didn't find you under a gooseberry bush or something, 'cos you certainly don't seem to be dysfunctional yourself!

Just have to grit your teeth and get on with it I guess : just keep smiling at them whatever s**t they come out with, and be glad you don't have to see them too often. xxx
Froggy I so feel for you and full of admiration how you are handling your family and still getting on with our weightloss journey. I have dysfunction in my family and distance really helps though I have to say compared to you my dysfunctional family seems a breeze! I found I get on with my mum as I have got older probably because she accepts that at 47 I may be almost a grown up!

I think whether its family or friends or just work colleagues there are people out that there genuinely care and want those trying to lose weight to succeed. There are others who don't or can't accept we can take control and exert restraint and for some reason see us as a threat or can't accept us making changes for ourselves. I think people become accustomed to seeing one overweight hence the comments of "you don't need to lose more" start. What they not now us the flabby buts under the clothes that give us a higher body fat count!

Just checked the military body fat calculator for mine and I do need to reach at least 114 pounds as I'm just in the ok range!

Hope you're all having great day.
Lycho, the situation with my mum used to eat me up inside, i simply couldn't comprehend how she could be such an appalling parent yet think she is the best in the world. It was damaging me, I had to let it go. I can now finally accept hat she was the best mum she was able to be given her mental health problems. Se was and is a terrible mum but did the best she could, her personality disorder makes it i possible for her to see herself for what she is. Once I accepted that it was far easier to let the bitterness and anger drain away. I still have my moments, pretty much every time i speak to her she says something unpleasant but she is in France, we only speak on the phone every 3 weeks or so, its far far better than when she lived 5 minutes up the road!!

Thanks for the kind words Kira!

Jackie (nice sister), my son and I will no doubt keep trying to make each other laugh when she misbehaves, hopefully we will come through it relatively unscathed!