Why cant i stay strong!!!


Full Member
I've lost count of the diets and restarts. I'm so so tired of it now but I can't accept being fat.

Starting Cambridge again today. I don't know why I keep eating.

I know all the reasons I want to be slim I've listed them a million times.

I feel like I'm in this all alone, and no one understands how hard it is. It affects my life completely . I avoid seeing friends, I feel horrible in my clothes and now it's so hot I feel worst as I have to keep covered not to show all this fat.

I'm going to try keeping a diary to see if it helps, but wish me luck. Would be nice if I had a neighbour going through the same thing and we could buddy up.

I'm exactly the same. I piled on 3 stone after suffering from depression. now that's sorted, I need to sort out my weight to get my self confidence back up but that doesn't always seem to be enough motivation!! I'm sure we will get there! good luck :)