Why do people leave CD to go onto other diets?

KD I find your point about fear of goal really interesting. Do you mean a fear of keeping it off, or a fear of being that weight?

I have slight issues with men, and as I approached my goal weight on LL I started to get genuinely frightened of talking to men I didn't know, I wonder if the weight was something that I felt kept me safe? I was married at the time so there was security there, but I am single again, and almost immediately piled on 2 and a half stone.

I'm starting to think I'm deliberately sabotaging myself to avoid male attention, even though I think I want it. That said, 'luckily' I don't think men find me remotely attractive whatever weight I am :(

I think on a less neurotic note, excess weight can give people an excuse, a sort of comfort zone really. You often hear people say 'when I'm thin I will...' or 'if I was thinner I would...' and I wonder if weight is protecting them from doing the things that scare them. The excuse for not doing it, rather than the reason?

Back on topic for this thread, SS does have a lot of side effects which people find uncomfortable, it's also a very artificial way of eating and totally unsustainable long term, as it's intended to be. I think people sometimes want to prove to themselves that they can eat healthily, to avoid a lifetime of yoyo dieting.

When I was coming to the end of my LL journey, I got very ill. I had hairloss, regular dizzy spells and even fainting. I was constantly weak and tired, and couldn't even exercise which I actually wanted to do.

On SS on Cambridge I find walking dogs (which is a big part of my job so something I'm perfectly capable of doing) absolutely exhausting. Before starting CD I went for a run with a couple of the dogs, aiming to build up to a regular exercise routine, but wanted the quick losses on CD. I am now exhausted just walking, and no way could I run! I'm going to work up the programmes slowly (2-3 weeks on each stage) so I can start introducing more exercise into my life. There are lots of reasons SS isn't for everyone.
i've tried that ladies, for BF it has to be fresh. think he has a mental phobia about something that is not cooked on the same day.
seriously it would just stay in the freezer till it's binned.
and if he had it the next day i would be shocked myself if he did that (for me it's no problem) but it has to be fresh..... well not freshed but cooked that day....if that makes sense, he would not eat it and it would be binned.
(i've seen strops about this before in the past...:rolleyes:).
if he doesn't know it's warm ups or defrosted dinner then no problem he can't tell the difference ;):D ha haha aaa have done this one before h ah aaaaa.

i think i was brought up as a child soooo differently from my partner (my family = big family...not very well off, when young) so i always have it in my head not to waste anything.
maybe that's part of the reason why i'm on cd:confused: ha ha aa

is there nothing that he could freeze?
see this sounds good to me, :D

i think the only thing my partner doesn't waste is beer :rolleyes::D;)

Awwwww tryer. could he not have it the next day or maybe freeze it like Berryred suggested?

see thing is my DH is the human dustbin and will eat almost anything so I don't get any waste, he hates waste.
SS certainly isn't for everyone. For example, I can really understand people struggling when there is no support within the family, or medical issues that make it more difficult for some.

I must admit that I often have to restrain myself when I hear some reasons :D

For example, some I've heard in the past.

"I've come off cambridge because you can't live on shakes for life"

Ummm....don't think that's the idea :D

"I've come off cambridge because I need to learn how to eat healthily"

Ummm...great GI plans for about 2 months after :confused:

etc etc.

Still, there are some very valid reasons, but anyway, everyone has a right to decide what they want to eat. It's their personal responsibility and nuffink to do with me, though, well...I'm kind of tempted to poke my nose in because I fear for some. Hoping that it isn't just the bad old chatterbox coming into play...as it does, especially when you get closer to goal :(

Also like people to be aware that the plans are good and that it really is the quickest way to goal.

I suppose, when you've been on the forums for a fair time, you get to see what so often happens. People jumping the wagon and moving on to another diet, then realising the grass isn't always greener on the other side, and moving back again. Backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards. Always up to them of course, but sometimes I just want to jump in and beseach them to just stick with it if they can, get to goal, learn how to maintain.....

KD I find your point about fear of goal really interesting. Do you mean a fear of keeping it off, or a fear of being that weight?

Think it can be both. Lots of people are scared ot being at goal. It's safer not to get the prize than to have to hand it back if they find maintenance too hard.

Also, many people who have been dieting for most of their lives can't imagine a life without it. You can be just as addicted to dieting than you can be to food.

I think it's often quite a subconscious choice, and I really understand it (been there, done there). Also doesn't apply to everyone, so no fingers being pointed ;) But I do know that it's more common than it might seem
Oh bleedin *ell, why can't I do short posts like others:eek::copon:

lol KD because.......you're you :) in a nice way that is lol xxx I found your comment about dieting can be as addictive as food.....and you're so right. I know I have a long way to go, but blimy, I've become such a diet bore nowadays....everyone has to hear about it lolol (but in my defence they do keep asking how I'm getting on....) xxx
Going back to a previous post....I don't think people should be offended by this thread if they can help it, I can see how they might be, but I'm 100% sure it wasn't meant in a patronising way. I've seen some people post that they've decided to change their diets several times, and they have ranged from people doing really really well having lots loads of weight (in which case I must admit I think.....to myself only mind.....then why are you leaving CD????) to others who have found it incredibly hard for varying reasons and feel they would possibly prefer to lose weight slower but whilst eating proper food (at the beginning I felt that way too). The worst way to lose weight or stick to a diet would be to do one that made you unhappy cos you just wouldn't stick to it. I'm no angel........my halo has slipped many times <giggle> xxx