Why do people think they have the right to be so rude!


Argghhhh! One huge thing I hate hate hate about being fat is that people really treat you like a second class citizen. Because you are fat you are less worthy than anyone else.

Two examples in two days:

The one guy I was on the phone to at work yesterday asked how my holiday was then where did I go... I said Turkey and he paused and seemed really confused and started saying oh, right, hmmm. I am starting to think, what's the problem when he turns round and says "well, you're, you know, like me (he's big too) and I just, well... I find it too hot in country's like that" so why does he think, just cos he's fat, he has a right to speak to me like that - so just cos he's fat he thinks he can talk to me about me being fat. If I didn't wanna go I wouldn't have. Thing is, I know how sensitive I feel anyway about being fat, so I would never speak to someone about it unless I knew they were happy to talk to it. You know, if it was a friend or someone close.

Anyway, the second was today. I have saved one of my photos on my desktop at work. It's a reallly lovely sunset picture, so I was showing it to a couple of colleagues and said to them I might even get it printed on Canvas and put it on my wall. The one woman said "could you take those people out"? They were random people, but because it's a sunset pic, you can only see their figures and I think it adds to the pic anyway. Then she said, "well at least they're not big fa...." then stopped as she realised what she was saying.

Who cares if they were, and actually if they were, it could have been me and my hubby.

Oh it does annoy me!
so many people just dont think what they are saying.xx
I so know what you are talking about. Try not to dwell on it. Really SO NOT WORTH the Energy. Hope your day gets better.
Aww hun, yep people are annoying and have no right to talk to you like that, as you said you wouldn't speak to a friend like that which just shows what kind of a person you are and what kind of a person they are!! Forget them, easier said than done i know but it is really not worth your energy.

How's it going diet wise?x
People really dont think.

I have to admit I have put my foot in it massively the other day. There was a lady struggling in the shop and I said "can I give you a hand?" Only to then see that the reason that she was struggling was because she only had one.

I know I am trying to make light of it, and I never ever aim to hurt anyones feelings or be mean to people, but I just know that sometimes words come out, you just dont think, and sometimes say something that as soon as it comes out of your mouth you wish you could scoop it back up and swallow it.

I'm sure the people that have upset you have absolutely no idea that they would. I hope I'm not making light of the situation, I just am one of those people that ALWAYS says the wrong thing!!

Some people can be damn rude especially to fat people, I hate the one where 'friends' come up and say you're looking really well, you have such a lovely face ??? Whats all that about then??
It's like they feel they have to find something nice to say but are struggling badly!
I just rise above it and know my intelligence must be way superior to theirs and as much as I can lose the punds, there is no way they will ever be much brighter!
<now is that insulting too?> LOL
Is it wrong that i laughed at Bluegirl's hand comment...i'm not laughing at the fact the poor woman only had one hand, but just the cringing situation..i often put my foot in it like that. Like the blind man i had on a flight once and asked him to read the safety card as he couldn't see the demo! (what a thicko sometimes), or the guy who needed his wheelchair to go to and from the toilet and when he asked me how he was going to get to the toilet i replied 'by walking to the door and opening it' (i had no idea at this point he was disabled, and well we do get asked some silly questions).....cringe, i was only trying to be humourous!

Tilly i hate that too..i think a lot of bigger people get those nice face comments, one of my 'friends' always says to be when i moan about my weight, but you have such lovely hair!! What the...........
I just can't wait till the day where my weight has nothing to do with how people see me.

However, just at the minute things aren't going well, which isn't helping. All set to be good today and then my boss came in with a big tin of chocolate and I just couldn't resist. Thing is, if I had sort myself out and were in ketosis I could have resisted easily but cos I wasn't, I fell for the trap! argghh! I don't know what to do with myself! These upsetting incidences just go to show that I really wanna lose weight so badly but I just need to get going!
Aww sorry to hear your day got worse...i know it's a bit dramatic but is there any chance you could get Mon off work? That way you can have sat/sun/mon at home and are most likely to be in ketosis by Tue and prepared for refusing tempting things. I know that being home alone for these past 3 days has been the only thing to help keep me on the straight and narrow.xx
Hi BunnyG - good to hear from you. Haven't been on the site much myself over the last few days and haven't seen much from you either. Don't worry about these comments - I am sure they didn't mean to be rude and be positive it won't be that long before weight won't be an issue for you.
Please remember back to how well you were doing before your holiday and how successful you were and how easy you found it. You had a fantastic and well deserved holiday. Now you need to get that determination back to get back on the diet - you will and can do it. You have lots of support here and we all know you can do it and will be willing you to get back on - airgirls advice is really good - why not just stay in for the next 3 days and you'll be in ketosis if you stick to it. Fingers crossed for you - let us know how it goes.
