Why do you think this is?


Gold Member
Hi everyone
just wondering if someone can advise me. I am now 7lbs heavier from when i had my baby 2years ago which i dont think is a lot to be honest BUT my waist is 5 inches bigger than it was. I can still fit into (bit snug though) my pre baby trousers (some of them) and just wondering why - is it due to a total body shape change? It seems i have a target weight to get too but even if i get there i still wont be pre baby shape - should i change my target to be lower?
Your body changes shape with pregnancy and also as we age we tend to deposit weight in different areas ! sadly it tends to go more in the abdomen for women especially after the menopause , which obviously you're now where near yet !!

Just keep at it and you will soon be back in your jeans