Why haven't the scales moved?


I'm on ss+ day 12, weighed myself this morning (as i always do) and the scales have STILL not moved since Day 8/9!!! I'm really worried and don't know why this is happening! :( I havent cheated AT ALL and i have been drinking loads of water so how can it be water retention?

i am on the pill and am not even on the break in the pack and am having TOTM (sorry if tmi) even though its not a real TOTM is this the cause of no weight loss??

Help pls!
Weeks 2 & 3 seem especially hard for some considering they just had a big loss in the first week. My weeks 2 & 3 were dire ..and look at me now 30lbs lighter than when I started. :) Dont give up, you are already quite a few pounds down.
I've lost a bit this week, but nowhere near the 10lbs last week after my restart.

I'm putting it down to my body adjusting, and I can feel definite changes in the right direction.

I bet we're really pleased come WI though! :D

:) Steve
This happens.

Sometimes when the fat leaves the fat cells it's replaced by water. The scales don't know that.

A few days of no weight loss is really common. I found I would stay the same for about 4/5 days after weigh in, then lose the 3lbs the following two days. Nearly every week it did that. You just have to trust the plan and know that fat is leaving anyway, so the scales will catch up ;)
yeah this happened to me too, no lose for a while then suddenly a 3/4lb lose shows up. Try to stay positive focused on your goal, Good luck xx
other than the first week when they were moving every day I've found they seem to go down by 1 pound right up to the day before weigh in and then drop on weigh in day.