Why is your username ...... ?

My name is Vanessa. But a long time ago a guy at work called me Big V. It was like a stab in the heart. Hopefully I'll be able to change it by the end of 2012 (thats my goal)

Oh Vanessa. That made me sad. I dont know that guy at work but I dont like him.
My husband is in the RAF :)
Mine is simply my name plus a number I wa given on an email address years ago!

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Mine is boring.

I have a cocker spaniel called Hamish and I am his human mummy
i got the nickname pixie when i was younger due to my michievous nature ( not my size as I was skinny but very tall as a child ). So the pix bit stuck..but on line its a very popular choice of name and usually needs a number after it. The 128 came from an old door number. not very interesting lol
rafmrs said:
My husband is in the RAF :)

Awwww :) my bf is too x

Mine us simply my name and year of birth x

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Mine is in memory of some woodmice who lived in my garden for a few months last year - they don't survive long because of natural predators. Pretty little things with huge dark eyes and large ears and very entertaining to watch them play. One in particular would come out in the morning and happily eat breakfast in the middle of a small crowd of birds, and then stand up like a meercat to peer over the top of the grass for a few seconds.....
Chipmunk is OH's nickname for me. I was compaining when we first got together that I hated all the normal nicknames like hun, babe, love etc so he plucked one out of thin air and it stuck!

89 is year I was born :)
My husband is a big Xbox fan, and when we first met he wanted to set me up a gamertag so we could play games together. I used to wear massive heavy boots, and I love fairys, so he put them together. I liked it and now I use faerieheavyboot for everything :D
Kate x
I'm a Bunny and I'm Lush? Lol, no I love bunnies but don't have one because of our spaniel, and I love Lush soap products, so I put them together years ago :)
My house and garden is surrounded by cows and sheep on the neighbouring farm... It's Mooo Baaaah all day long :D
MooBaah said:
My house and garden is surrounded by cows and sheep on the neighbouring farm... It's Mooo Baaaah all day long :D

that is an awesome name, love it!
I have so loved reading all your reasonings behind your usernames. Some funny,some sad, all extremely interesting (even those who claim to be boring! Ill not hear it for a minute !)

Its like a little bit of your life history in a few letters in a particular order. Understood only by you but enlightening when shared with the rest of us.

Mmmm what would Freud made of it all ?
Pipaluk is ''nurse'' in Greenlandic, it's also a female name in Greenland. My boyfriend calls me his nurse because I run around after him like one (so he says)! He is a true Greenlandic Inuit. I find it a very pretty name for a girl as well :)
jilly said:
I have so loved reading all your reasonings behind your usernames. Some funny,some sad, all extremely interesting (even those who claim to be boring! Ill not hear it for a minute !)

Its like a little bit of your life history in a few letters in a particular order. Understood only by you but enlightening when shared with the rest of us.

Mmmm what would Freud made of it all ?

Me too x