will someone gag louis?

I don't think she is being tortured though Hayley!!! I think it's all very much put on...her yelps and screams. Her climb up the wall was a complete joke. She soon got up there though...

I think Ms Katie Price is very much a wonderful actress.
Argh I can't stand Katie Price! I hate the way when she and Peter Andre split up she slagged him off saying he's going to find a new girlfriend blah blah blah. And now look at her, already with some other guy who her kids are apparently calling Dad. You're right Emma, if there's a spotlight, she's running to get in it! If I had the money I'd offer her a million pounds to stay out of the media for a whole year. But I know she wouldn't take it, she wants the attention more.
To be honest with you I haven't been watching it, all I know is that the woman from How Clean is Your House rows with everyone and Katie Price is being voted to do all the challenges. I have switched over now to watch it so hopefully I'll be a bit more clued up. Everything about that woman is fake!!!

Oh i'm just in love with Ant and Dec! I think they are fab! That's why I get into these silly shows!!! ;)
Ooooh that's a hard one! Umm... yeah, Dec.
Ah but who is cuter? My vote goes to Dec, the little sweetie, only problem is I could probably fit him under my armpit bless him!

Aw yeah, Dec is a cutie. But Ant's much taller...darker, manlier! Makes me think he may be a better build downstairs :eek: :D:D:D

LMAO !!!
Off to bed now. Early start tomorrow, and my earl grey is calling :)

Nighty x x x
Earl Grey - YUCK! HAve you tried Lapsang Souchong (sp?) very smoky tea, not sure if it's allowed? Probably better on an on topic thread the more I think of it, must ask as I LOVE it!!! Nighty night Emma!

I have had it before while on CD - I didn't really like it! Got a full box more or less, I might try it again. Enjoy x x x