Witchys restart


Well I'm back again started this journey awhile ago bit realised it wasn't just me I was unhappy with it was my life, ended up telling a few people a few home truths about how they treat me and only the husband didn't like it so left, now a year later and much stronger I'm back with my head in the game.

W1 - 6ib
Wow well done for having the courage to change everything you needed to. That takes some guts, But you deserve to be happy and I bet it'll help with your weight loss. Also amazing weigh in result!!! xx
Aw thank you time for a new me x
Ah i found your thread il pop in to see how ja getting on and good for you on making all the changes you needed to!!!
Thanx Yolande it's hard work but I'm going to do it this time just worried about loose skin
Loose skin is probably my biggest fear!! Im really scared that i lose all this weight but then left unhappy with a load of saggy skin.. im doing everything i can to help my skin along like lots of water using palmers and starting pilates and yoga this week but i know because of how much weighty i need to lose i will most likely be left with saggy skin... but im hoping by some miracle i dont. You have lost alot of weight on CD before right? Did ja get loose skin then?