Worcestershire sauce


Gold Member

I saw on one of the other threads that someone said they added Worcestershire sauce to the tomato soup, is this allowed or only on WS?

I think I have seen people with tabasco sauce. But I am not sure about worcestershire sorry x
I use it on total, but I of course am not condoning or encouraging :) but I use only a few splashes...

I think some other more expereinced lovely people might have a better answer for you once they hop on.... but I would hope we can use it or I have been a naughty Dumpy

like lovely isis said many use tabs-i-cant-pell-it... sauce and/or herbs and spices to flavour the soups

just did a quickie search and some said yes some no :S maybe I will stick to the herbs and spices, but might be an idea to compare the contents values to a bottle of tabasco and see if there is a great difference.

sorry I am all unhelpful... think maybe i should go back to bed:(

LOL thanks guys

Tried the veg soup and found it much more pleasant than the tomato so that's good :D

Maybe I will avoid the Worcestershire sauce (which btw I had to check the spelling of on google) until I know it's OK, don't want to make myself more hungry :)

Thanks guys