Work Collegues !


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How do we find the views of work collegues?

I work in an office with 5 other women and a male... I was telling them about the CD and one of the women was like that sounds quite good, then a couple of others were like 'you can't diet working in this office' and the other asked how much weight I want to use so I said 'I used to be 7 1/2 stone in Feb 2003, but I do not want to be that slim again, so from 12stone 12ish to around 8.5stone I think, and she was like 'you can't f'ing lose 4stone, you'd be underweight at that much you are find as you are'...... I have no idea whether she is thinking about me, or she is just that kind of person cause she is 'overweight' (been very polite) she doesn't like the idea of me losing weight....

My partner is supportive and making sure all of my favourite food in the house is gone.... He said he will eat beef instead of chicken (cause I hate the smell of beef cooking) and other little things.

My question more is how do other people find the support of there collegues and partners?
I think a lot of them are well being but are trying to sabotage without it neccessarily being concious. I am lost a lot of weight but have 3 stones to go and am always being told to stop now, I am fine etc. My LLc says people can't get used to the new you, feel threatned etc.

But maybe they are trying to be nice. I think you have to judge each person BUT don't stand any crap either ! Say its between you and your GP, they don't usually argue!

I am lucky I have the full support of my other workmates, both women, when the bosses are in they haven't noticed that I have lost weight yet, but I am not bothered coz one day it will be wow you look great!!!.

My CDC is an old workmate we used to work together in a large office of women and a couple of men, I was the statutory fatty and I would yoyo up and down half a stone, but never to lose the weight I have now.

But the boss was a keen sportsman and you could tell he did not approve of my weight (well we didn't see eye to eye on a lot of things but thats bye the bye), he insisted that we did a team building weekend which consisted of white water rafting on the Friday and on the Saturday morning walking round on poles and wire ropes 40' up. (She will remember this). He was flabergasted that I did it all, and I have to say that it made me feel great.

But now I really don't worry and I reckon anyone who thinks that we look okay chubby, is either jealous, or deluding themselves.

Hard hearted I know - but what the heck!!!! I am in it for me and not for them.

That is the attitude I am trying to think.... I think the main thing is as long as I have my partners support.....

A couple of things people have said is
-your young you should be out partying
my response, I can do that when I am slim, doing CD will give me more time not to think about what to cook, what to eat and more time for college work while losing weight.

Well roll on Monday when I speak to the CDC and hoping to start. Hoping she don't say I need to see my doctor as he is very anti-diets, he is like the key is half hour exercise twice a day and I am like 'when'
I know what you mean about the Doc's, I thought I would have problems getting signed up, but I was lucky I saw a locum who already knew about CD and was also a Diabetic Specialist so he was okay. But the others tend to be like yours and when you are working full time and have a family when do you get the chance to exercise, besides in this weather who wants to!!!

But I just park the car further away, and walk faster!!

Take care.
Mine are supportive as far as that they say how well im doing and that they couldnt stick to it like I am but then 2 seconds later they appear from the chip shop and then later start sharing out big bars of chocolate!!! Sarahxx.
The lady I phoned did not saying anything about seeing a doctor.... she asked if I was on any medication or had an operation in the last 3 months or had history of high blood pressure in the family which all are no, so she said can't see any problem starting it.....

I dreading work, cause I work at a cheese processing company, they do taste panels sometimes and bring quiche and pizza round to taste, I am going to hve to be strong and say no or excuse myself and say I need the loo or need to go to reception... oh dear... But there is no use in worrying till I have been tomorrow.

O/H has already said if my engagement ring gets loose after 1stone loss he will go and buy me a gold necklace to keep it on till I get to goal and get it re-sized again...
People I work with dont believe in this diet but say they will help me.......I dont call waving chocolates under my nose hep, or putting great big bowls of Fruit and sweets out help, or the ***** who left a crunchie on my desk today!

But at the end I will have the last laugh! Also I find it very amusing that the things they are offering me aint high on my own temptation list as Im not a chocholic!!!its the fruit that is really killing me!:D
People are tremendously hung up on VLCDs. A poster on another forum I frequent was apoplectic with rage that I was on CD, said that I may as well be anorexic and that sites like these were no better than pro-ana sites! Didn't know how to tell her that ketosis is perfectly safe when you're as lardy as me, not like she'd listen anyway.

My partner and family are really supportive, and my colleagues are fine with it (so far-it's been half term so they haven't seen me!)
My work colleagues are great! Originally they were a bit unsure, and when we went out for a leaving meal and I just had my glass of water, they said "can't you just have a little bit, surely it won't hurt" - which is what nearly everyone says to me, it's hard to explain that actually yes, one bite will hurt!!! But now they are really supportive and do everything they can to help, which is great!