Work rant


I love my job I really really do and am very grateful for it as I would have just been made redundant at my old workplace but I'm feeling super stretched at the moment.

I trained as a journalist but have, financially, been unable to pursue this. So, keeping in mind my love of the media turned out to be a bit of a whizz at selling advertising.

My new job I was a bit of an odd job person working across lots of things and doing some editorial stuff to help out to. I'm in a position now where I have the chance to have a project of my very own to work on, in a field I'm interested in and it's great. However one of the editors of the other projects has come to rely on me quite heavily for my journalism skills and what she gets me to do I LOVE but at the same time it's not my job description (a fact a lot of my office keep highlighting) and it distracts from my main job.

I dint want to tell this ed I can't help anymore as I live doing it but I'm worried that I'm going to stretch myself too thinly and, as sales can be just as pressurised as editorial, I'm going to have everything tumble down. At the same time I feel cheeky they've taken me on to do one thing and not another.

My boss is quite happy with me at the moment and my results, editorially have been brilliant but I'm feeling a bit stressed and have been taking extra work home which is a big no no for me. Just need to do one or the other but I don't want to give up the editorial and also don't want to tell my managers I'd rather do the editorial stuff when I was brought in to do sales.

Phew sorry just needed to vent all that!!!
I made myself ill by taking on too much and not saying no. Ended up working 70 hours a week, not sleeping etc. Result? Off work for 6 weeks ( which in sales is never good) when i went back it was just expected i would do all that extra stuff again and when i refused - suddenly i wasn't pulling my weight. What i'm saying is that don't get into the habit of doing stuff you are not paid for as they will begin to expect it. I now work for a company who don't expect me to spend every waking minute working and i have set expectations around what i will and won't do. Just make sure you look after yourself first x
I also trained as a journalist - a sports journalist would you believe. It was a chore (at that time) my replacement went on to do well freelance and Sky - good timing I guess.

I am one of thse rare critters happy in my work and my lot. Took me Over 40 years to get there though;)
I can't even begin to suggest what's the right thing to do hon.

However, what I can say is that burning the candle at both ends makes no difference in real terms.
2010 was a tough year for the team I am part of. We lost 2 colleagues at a time when our caseloads went through the roof. I worked silly hours just to keep pace with what came in - as did 2 or 3 of my colleagues. The remaining 3 just kept plodding on as usual - arriving at 9am leaving at 5pm, an hour for lunch. We don't get paid overtime so there was no overtime incentive for them. All that meant was that their backlogs got larger and larger and guess who was asked to help them? Yup - those of us who were already working all bloody hours to keep up with our own work. :mad::mad: