Worlds Best Diet

I saw my Dr saturday, I am now 10.6 and my BMI is 25. She was thrilled and full of praise for me. Not once did she say 'your over weight or you need to lose more.' She was very happy with my weight. Funny how one Dr says one thing and another says another!
"don't get on the scales every day - you'll either feel elated and treat yourself, or feel down, and treat yourself."

LOL! So true!
"can someone pleeeease give my wife some carbs, some alcohol, preferably both. My life is hell." Carole Malone's husband.

What is going on with Carole's accent? Does the woman know what part of the country she is from? her voice seems to be doing a tour!!!
Oh, the BMI is rubbish, I have a friend who's 6'5" or so and according to BMI he could stand to lose up to 2 stone before he'd be underweight, yet you can literally count his ribs and he actually has a genetic disorder which makes him prone to extreme skinniness as well as being much taller than anyone in his family.

Also, they changed the definition of obese in about 1997, previously I believe you had to have a BMI over 35 or so to be classed as obese (I think there was a "very overweight" category from 30-35) but now it's 30.
"can someone pleeeease give my wife some carbs, some alcohol, preferably both. My life is hell." Carole Malone's husband.


too right :8855: that is one woman who needs to meet face to face with a green day ;)
I've said it before and I'll say it again, height/weight charts and BMI are just a guide, a rough estimate to know where to aim for. The most accurate is acctually a height/wasit measurement, because you can suss how much excess fat you are carry around your middle. The bigger the number the prone you are to type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease blah blah blah.
You could argue that your waist was over the healthy range for your height, but it is all muscle - again that is fine. It's all about what % of your body is fat.

Body fat measurements and the measuring tape are recognized as superior methods for measuring "weight loss". When one declares that they want to "lose weight", what they often mean is that they want to lose fat. So, now that you've had your body fat percentage measured, what does the number really mean?
First, your body fat percentage is simply the percentage of fat your body contains. If you are 150 pounds and 10% fat, it means that your body consists of 15 pounds fat and 135 pounds lean body mass (bone, muscle, organ tissue, blood and everything else).
A certain amount of fat is essential to bodily functions. Fat regulates body temperature, cushions and insulates organs and tissues and is the main form of the body's energy storage.

Sorry I feel all preachy now!
I do love it that Italian came out best on balance though. Even though the low carb lost Carole the most weight, it just wasn't deemed sustainable for any length of time.

Being half Sicilian, I am, of course, totally biased towards the Italian way of eating :D It's how I was brought up. Just a shame that the british way of eating and drinking also caught up with my waistline!
I missed the first part, but saw last night's programme. I think it's great that if we eat the SW way, we can incorporate a little of all of the different diets into our way of eating. That way we get the best bits of all the diets and don't get bored along the way.
I really think that the Japanese diet would have fared better if it wasn't for Linda thingy getting it all wrong. I know it isn't everyones ideal food but i LOVE sushi and sashimi and could happily live of it forever.

Imagine spitting out food at someones table lol- I almost felt sorry for her (not quite though)

I think she really did what a lot of people would do if they were told a certain cuisine was healthy- pick out all the 'bad' bits and only eat them!
It would be too easy now to think that all Italian food is healthy and have a mad binge on Carbonara, Tiramasu and red wine, but I guess that doesn't work, does it!?!