Worried about this week


Full Member
I know I'm being silly, and I know I should just keep on track, but I'm really worried about this week and WI on Thursday. :psiholog:

It's my second week, I'm tracking everything, weighing and measuring properly and checking points (using the books and the point calculator). I have 33 points a day - I'm eating them all and using some of my weeklies (saving the rest for my Thursday post-WI take-away!).

I've come on today, have got a hideous cold :badmood:, and somehow am managing to have nutella on toast most evenings for supper :17729: (this bit is worrying me - how can I be having this and still lose weight)

I just feel fat and icky and sorry for myself. And I don't like it.
Hugs x

Try not to let things get you down. We all have days like that and the important thing is to keep plodding on.
Your WI will come and you will do fine then wonder why you were worrying!
Put kettle on and get a smile on your face.
You aren't alone xx
Just keep going :) It isn't easy to stick with it when you aren't feeling 100%. One of the best things about WW is you can eat whatever you want if you track it well :)
I know how yr feeling hun i fell asleep on settee just woke up and went straight to fridge for chocolate ( must have dreamt about it)!!

Just chill tonight now tomorrow is a new day you will be fine it's all part of normality to feel this way x

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Thank you all. I am feeling a lot more settled today, still ill - I sound like a 14 year old boy, all squeaky!