Would a stir fry count as 1/3 superfree?


Full Member
Made a stir fry up with the fresh packs you get from tesco - beansprouts, cabbage, carrot - and I added mushrooms, garlic and ginger. I cooked some lean pork and added noodles. Would that be ok for superfree?

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I count it as mine when i have one x
I'd say so but it really depends on the quantities used, i.e amount of free to superfree
I count it as a third. (I often add more mushrooms and a couple of handfuls of soya (edemme?? sp) beans to the veg pack if I'm uncertain that it's at least a third.
Have this reguarly. Often add more mushrooms and peppers or whatever else ive got kicking about that needs eating! Love it!! xx