
LittleMissThin 17

wants to be skinny ♥
I was doing some thinking last night, about my weight (as you do) and wondered what 37 lbs felt like. As in say, filling a bag and weighing it.

As it happens, last week I filled two 1.5L bottles of Evian that weighed 6.8lbs together and with a bit of time and a calculator, I worked out that in 2L bottles, 8 bottles were 36lbs- close enough. Still with me?

Today, I went in Asda and found the multipacks of fizzy drinks and tried lifting two of these as this is roughly what I had lost- I couldn't lift it, it was that heavy! It would have been easier if they still had handles on them as I had to stack one on the other:p

I didn't realise how much 36lbs weighed and I also tried to make strong boyfriend lift it and he found it difficult too. I then told him that was my weight loss and his eyes nearly popped out. :D

Who knew 8 bottles of cola weighed 36lbs?!
That's very motivating isn't it! Congrats on thr weight loss! Whenever we hit a silver seven our leader tells us to go to tesco and walk up and down the aisle with a 7lb bag of potatoes just to feel what you've lost. But!!
Yes it is, and thanks :) It made me realise that what I have left is nothing compared to what I've lost. I just wish they had handles so I could feel the weight properly rather than trying to lift from the floor :(
Wow, I never realised that!

I think what I've lost is around the same, and thats about 17kg, so I think of it as a holiday suitcase. But the bottles do seem more impressive!
I filled carrier bags with tins that weighed 31 1/2lbs after weigh in this week . I struggled to carry them up a flight of stairs once . It was scary to think I had been carrying that around with me all the time . Will do it again when I have lost a bit more , it will help me keep motivated .
Wow! Well done all of you! I have about half that to lose and that's a big challenge for me but reading your posts is really inspiring and makes me realise I can do it.


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Wow. I never thought of what it feels like to hold the weight I've lost in my hands. I lost 35lb since last year (7lb of it on propoints this year as I stopped before last xmas and started again in june this year). Now I want to go to the supermarket and lift these things to try and be proud of what I lost instead of being a negative nancy about what I have left to lose lol!! X

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Mother Noah- It WAS scary feeling how much I'd been carrying around with my little height :( But also it was great feeling that I'm not anymore. Also going to try again when I'm at my goal, not WW one.

Carrie- me too, I definitely wouldn't have been able to carry them out of the supermarket. 4L I can usually manage but not far!

Dreamings- you should try picking up that much, it's so much heavier than I assumed.

UKgal - wait til you feel the weight like that when you've lost it. And yes, you can do it :D

Azwethinkweiz- DO IT :D:D:D

I kind of got the idea from my mum's WW leader when I was about 5. I remembered she used to have lbs of lard on her front table so you could feel how much you had lost. I chose bottles because I'd weighed two last week :)
i did the same thing with my 4 year old nephew, hard to believe how much extra weight we carry around and then once its gone really struggle to lift something that weights the same, made me wonder what sort of strain i was putting on my body all the time with the excess weight.
my baby weighs less than i've lost! it's crazy.