WTF is wrong with me?


Silver Member
So I did 6 days perfect refeed...

Yesterday I skipped a meal and had a creme egg and 3 after eights... Wasn't too worried and I did enjoy them.

BUT today...

I've eaten loads when I wasn't even hungry!

I had a egg on toast for breakfast (that's fine)... Then I had a glass of fruit juice later (not too awful.)
THEN I had a quorn burger then a bowl of cereal THEN my son cooked pizza and I had half THEN I had a paupadom and chutney then I had a chewit sweet...
I wasn't even hungry when I cooked the bloody burger. WHY did I eat all that other crap? I've spent the last month on this forum wondering why people break their diets and here am I being good then being a total bloody idiot after it's over.

ARRRRGGHHH... And the +*&@x%$ scales now read 11 stones - I know I always get weighed after I get up not after a day of food but it's still demoralizing.

I feel stupid!! I feel sick (physically). My stomach hurts. I am annoyed.

tommorrow is a new day, new opportunity, start it with a posetive attitude to stick to it 100%. u have only slipped up for 1 day, dnt forget ur achievement so far BUT dont let urself get carried away with the bingeing any longer x
I'm the same! I feel that if I start eat again I will be back to my old habits as I am a food-lover. That's why we are on this forum - to get he support we need to pass this hard times and get back on track :) forget what happened, start again! Wish you luck!
i am worried too that i have good intentions, but i havent sorted out why i eat the rubbish i do... when my intentions are soooo good... however, you had a laps not a full relapes so get back in the saddle and get over this bit, tomorrow is another day - good luck... stick at it
Oh dear And :(
Hopefully you will remember how awful this has made you feel and won't do it again. I don't think you will gain a massive amount of weight from it if you stick to your plan from now on. Maybe now you have done it you have got something out of the way and won't feel the need to do it again.
Stay strong, I know you can do it ;)
we ALL have days like this, me more than most! Dont' beat yourself up, just put it behind you and start a fresh tomorrow. I'm going out with the girls the day after my complete refeed ends, or so I have planned, so I doubt very much I will be being good but I know it's just a one off and il be back to my saintly self in the morning :D xxxx
Don't let one day ruin your efforts..just think at how much you've achieved so far!!
How have you been since your naughty day and?
Erm... Well I've been okish....

Yesterday I had a small bowl of weetabix for breakfast and an egg sandwich for lunch. I went to my Indian cookery course in the evening and only ate 4 small bahjees (I would normally have had 6+)... Came home and made some normally really unhealthy snacks but REALLY limited the oil (did some grilling) So that was good.

Today I've been out - ate loads but actually half the amount of pasta I'd have eaten before and 3/4 of the potatos I'd have had before this diet. (I have eaten too much but it's an improvment.)

Tomorrow I'm getting taken out for curry and on Friday too (my real weakness)... I will try REALLY hard to eat less. And I am going out rather than takeaway so the portions will be smaller.

I am not managing to be an angel but I have improved. I keep checking the scales and they're not shooting up (yet)... I'll let you know if they're screaming at me by Friday!

I'm not drinking gallons of fruit juice and I've had zero alcohol or sugary drinks.

I do need to try harder though I think.