Yakkady Yack Atkins Chat ...

Hi RW been following your diary but not said hello until now, i can totally sympathise with your bowel problems:(
I've been following the atkins woe since beginning of Feb & I'm lucky if i have a movement once every couple of weeks! I also feel constantly bloated & like I'm full of gas reckon if u stuck a pin in me id burst like a balloon!

As for the Hairy Bikers, oh my word did u see the BFG they made.....i absolutely lurve cake & could easily have planted my face in that lol
Oh WOW .. yes ... the BFG !!! Me and OH are seriously considering a BFG for our wedding cake in August .. it is my fave cake by far! Liked the look of those beer rocks too .. actually. scrap that .. I would have eaten ANY of it .. just not the pretzels .. caustic soda! OMG !

Oh blimey my bowels are doing my head in Clanger .. as you can see (read ..) can't believe I took a laxative and it had NO effect whatsoever- that is quiet worrying to be fair! Not even brocolli and cabbage engage any movement!!! Kat1e suggested spinach so that is tonights try ... quiet funny as I used to have IBS - really, really bad ... a day wasn't a day if half of it wasn't spent on the loo .. in a good way that has gone ... but I would like to go SOMETIMES you know??? I feel like Henry VIII .. he must have been like this with all the meat, sat there bloated ... rotting away from the inside out ;) ... I would love a banana or an apple just to make myself feel fresher .. just had a tomato for lunch hoping it would make me feel fresher, I guess it did a tiny bit ! :)
Well if all else fails I can recommend sugar free jelly beans - they are just dangerous and should come with a warning (oops, they did). I love them but rarely eat them as they are lethal! They laugh at senokot - evil things.

Can you imaging having a thread here to check what's happening with your bowel movements every morning - in the style of Henry! I couldn't go ever if everyone was waiting for news.:)
We should start one "Bowel news" ...... to be honest, this IS my news. I was really naughty last night, I had read that sometimes a bit of a carb onslaught can start a bit of movement in that department so I had ... wait for it ... a cinnamon roll ... oh lord it was nice NICE I went with the theory of the reward meal on carb addicts had some meatballs followed by the cake <3 ... anyway .. whoooosh ... that baby showed dulcolax whos boss ... lets say I feel incredibly floaty light this morning. No "side-effects" from the cake except a very girgly tummy .. but I think the girgly tummy has more to do with my time spent on the throne last night!

So gooey news aside today is my month induction anniversary and ive lost another 2lb. To be honest my induction story has not been one of excess and dramatic weight loss. My total for the whole month is just over 7lb .. which is comparable - and slightly worse than my progress on Weight Watchers. I could be dissapointed and kick and scream but in a way Atkins so far has shown me a different WOE and certainly helped me "feel" better. Anyway, I am going back to my WW points system today (sorry ...) and introducting a small amount of non-processed carbs (low GI wholegrains / unrefined sugars) and keeping under 50g carbs per day. I am afraid my patience with induction has officially ended. I am not concerned about "putting the weight back on" as I have done a lot of planning into the "what next" stage and gone through it with a good friend who is a nutritionist and holistic therapist. The carbs I am going to be adding will be from the OWL rung only for the next month I am also going to be cutting out the fats a bit more. Shall I say I have invented the "Lucy-kins" diet based on some of the principals from Atkins stage 1 Go Lower AND ww pro-points. Will I be on to a winner? Only time will tell .. but I am willing to try to get a bit more variety back. I am pretty much going to be veggie today. I cannot face another piece of meat. As I said off to Brighton at the weekend so finding a salad packed with wholegrains and goodness won't be hard. Still cutting out milk and sticking to the soya.

Anyway, i'm not quitting .. im just tweaking. I think my body becomes very used to a WOE - settled so to speak very quickly so it is important for me to juggle things around to keep my sluggish metabolism a kick up the rear!

Hi rw, glad things are moving!!

I can completely understand your decision to vary your way of eating, having read the threads for several months now, I think there are quite a few people doing the same. You must find the right balance for you, keep posting on here so we can follow how you are getting on and offer support. Good luck with the "Lucy" plan .
Sandra x
Speaking of gurgly tummies, mine made such a horrendous noise in the office this afternoon, really embarrassing.............glad you are on the move!! xx
Morning RW... What a relief that you're now finally "floaty"... I was stressing for you! Good luck with Lucy diet! Xxx
Haha, thanks guys! Atkins was just too restrictive for my lifestyle really. I gave the month a shot. Did pro-points all day yesterday and was full and satisfied - if one thing Atkins has taught me it is not to pick and graze for food - as the options weren't there so my mind is definately not in the "snacking zone" .. I am going to keep using this diary as it's a lifeline for me when I need it. Just used up 9 points on a piece of Easter cake .. oh well .. at least I know what is available for the rest of the day .. I am still really strict on the points and rarely use my "extras". I don't feel a failure at all though as I have learnt so much. Still low carbing and still not going to eat after 7pm (think that makes such a difference because in the past that was the snack zone!. Anyway off out into town with my students today then zipping down to Brighton, attacking the tube through London in rush hour .. lucky me! Catch up soon! RW x
Enjoy Brighton... If its fine tomorrow it will be heaving! It was standing room only on the train last summer - crazy ! Lol xx
Glad the bowel stuff got sorted!

There are other lc plans such as charles clarke which go for higher carb levels and still have steady weight loss.Be interesting to see how it goes, there have been a few folks that have gone for a more modified plan over the last few months. As you know I have some free time every week, I am currently losing 7lbs a month which seem so slow after cambridge where I lost twice that every month but I get actual food with Atkins, so I try not to get too hung up on it - anything downwards is good!
Morning RW, good luck on the new diet
Hi There!

Brighton was a blast ... especially because I brought lots of lovely new clothes that FIT first time! Size 16's so pleased! I wasn't going to buy any clothes because I am hoping to be a 14 by the time I go on my honeymoon but I brought sun dresses that it doesn't really matter whether they are a little bit big! Most exciting I brought a tankini .. would never have even thought of buying one of those before but it looks really nice - wow! Got a little play suit to go over it too .. how things change! Last summer I trecked around Eastern Europe in clothes far too hot (because they covered me up). Anyway - feeling great. I must admit I was very naughty in Brighton, visited Ronald McDonald (but stuck to a wrap!), indulged in more than one Mr Whippy and a few bags of crisps. Also did zilch movement because my friend is very much an "in the car - out the car" kinda girl. Anyway, ive put on 2lb .. I am really not fussed about that (especially as I went to the chippy last night!!!). Back on it "officially" today though, making pea & mint soup for lunches all week and then lots of salad and greens. Also going to start doing my DVDs daily - it's great being on holiday for a fortnight because I can really indulge in time for myself, I never really feel like doing much after a day teaching. Starting on the bridge from a size 16 to a size 14 ... which to be honest seems quiet an achievement .. I think that is because mentally a 14 has always been "not achieveable" to me. Infact I have never been that size in my entire adult life ... anyway ... get to it woman! I enjoyed my indulgence - and am damn lucky the damage is not more ... but onwards and downwards again from now on xx
Sounds like you had a blast, and not too bad a gain, considering! Good luck with getting back on it and dropping the poundage to get you to a 14 xx
Sounds like a great weekend, Brighton is fab! You will soon get the 2lb off, great about the tankini too x
Morning RW... You'll soon get it off! And Vrighton
Oops! Lol

And Brighton sounded like a great blast!! Hope you have a good day. Xx
Morning! Really chuffed this morning. Got on the scales and "stayed the same" from what I was this time last week when I relaxed the regime .. just goes to show if you are sensible adding carbs is not going to sabortage your life. I had read all kinds of horror stories about putting on half a stone and all the rest of it but that hasn't been the case for me at all. I am off to put a load of my size 18 and 20s on Ebay this morning - I have been looking forward to doing this but wanted to wait until I was definately SURE I wasn't going to need them anytime soon! I used to buy loads of clothes in an 18 or 20 that I never wore because realistically they just weren't "suitable" for a person of my size. I am putting on my beautiful 1950s coat too ... not because it's too big, just because I need the money to go towards the wedding and honeymoon. Money is really tight (as I suppose it is for all couples getting married) and I need to shift some of the bits and pieces that are really just expensive clutter. Lets hope the buyers are feeling generous! ... Better go and do it anyway .. otherwise I will just sit on the sofa all day thinking about doing it! haha ... Weird my font has gone half italic and half normal - sorry about that! RW x