yesterday was so hard!!!


Full Member
Hey guys, yesterday was a hard 1 for me, my partner, his cousin and his gf all sat round me eating kebab and chips...I was so angry lol. But am so please with myself for not caving . It week 2 for me now.....and I feel even more determined. Does any1 know if we are allowed flavoured water??? X
Hi Liza,

My pharmacist says it's a no for flavoured water unfortunately. You've got to be so careful of citric acid, it knocks many people out of ketosis.

Well done on not clubbing your other half to death with his kebab! My OH has been a star bless him, he's been eating in the kitchen and opening the windows and doors when he's cooking, he won't even let me cook for him anymore. Your partner will soon change his mind when you turn many more heads when you're out with him, you watch him sit up and pay attention then! :D

Lol, I dnt mind him eating, I dnt mind cooking for him either. I just think it was a small gathering and everyone was enjoying sumthing naughty barr me lol. My partner doesn't even want me on this diet, he loves my curves, he felt so guilty for eating it but I told him to go for it as I dnt want to deprive him coz of my choices lol. Xx
Well done lisa for not caving in!! I dont think I would have been so strong willed xxx
Well done lisa for not caving in!! I dont think I would have been so strong willed xxx

Trust me it was so hard...all I culd do was picture me once I have finished this diet, done re-feed eating a kebab as a treat x
hey hun, glad u kept strong. I went in the chip shop the other day and then had partner and DD eating them next to me, was so hard I just wanted to pinch 1!! but... weigh in weds so I think that's keepin me goin. how u feeling today?xxx
Feeling good thx hun, I know what u mean, I hadn't craved anything all week till yesterday, even though I cook for my partner every night. R u gunna treat urself to something naughty once lp is over xx
well theres a few things I would love :) hmm I think im going to but within reason :D xx
A take away once a month can't poosibly do us harm, or should I say something naughty, instead of takeaway a bag of crisps, chocoloate or something. Think we deserve a treat after all this hard work xx
Last time I was maintaining I was an angel from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon and then had whatever I wanted over from Friday evening to Sunday lunch. It worked really well, I'm hoping it does this time when I get to where I want to be.

I'm with you ladies on looking at the things I'm going to treat myself to, that definitely helps with the focus doesn't it :D
Last time I was maintaining I was an angel from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon and then had whatever I wanted over from Friday evening to Sunday lunch. It worked really well, I'm hoping it does this time when I get to where I want to be.

I'm with you ladies on looking at the things I'm going to treat myself to, that definitely helps with the focus doesn't it :D

So we don't have to completely cut treats out of our lives forever??? Jiggerz u have been on this before? What went wrong? X
Not on LT, I was on Atkins, I lost load on it and got down to a size 10/12. Losing is relatively easy once you've got your mind round it, it's keeping it off that's the hard part. I maintained by being good all week then enjoying myself at the weekend and it worked really well until I gave up smoking and then piled it all back on. This time I won't have that issue so that's no longer a worry for me. Once I get there this time I'll be able to hold steady, I hope! Once I start to refeed I think I'll go along the Atkins route but the later stages to help me maintain.
How long u got left till u refeed hun? Do u know exactly what the refeed programm involves? X
Well, no matter what I weigh I will have to stop LT at the end of July as I'm away for most of August and it will be impossible for me to do LT then. If you have a look at the forum menu there's a whole section on refeed, it explains how to do it. Then, in September I'll decide whether or not to go back on LT or if I should switch to Atkins, depends on how much I still have left to lose and if I gain much while I'm away. Finger crossed I don't, I'm going to try and be sensible.

Last time I was maintaining I was an angel from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon and then had whatever I wanted over from Friday evening to Sunday lunch. It worked really well, I'm hoping it does this time when I get to where I want to be.

I'm with you ladies on looking at the things I'm going to treat myself to, that definitely helps with the focus doesn't it :D

I really like this, I am going to aim to be good Mon to Fri whilst at work and think I will have my treat days sat and sun. Don't think this will be too bad when I'm finished LT as I will keep up my swimming and walking. Can't wait to eat with my partner again!!:candledinner:
I love the idea of being good through the week then having a treat at the weekend, especially as I'm finding the weekends are definitely the hardest at the moment. I'm finding I'm getting loads of cravings for food, but what I've noticed is they do eventually pass and afterwards I am so-o-o pleased I didn't give in!!!!

I totally agree with you T&C, can't wait to go out and have a meal with my BF...though will prob just order a chicken salad ;-))
I couldnt agree more, the weekends are the hardest! I find I am OK till about 4.00 and then it gets really hard, but when I go to bed and I havent given in I am so proud!
Exactly! I try to remind myself that no matter how strong the craving, they always pass! I know I'll feel so disappointed in myself if I ever give in to them, and will prob go completely off the wagon.

Doing LT has taught me so much about my eating habits, and the reasons why i would turn to food. Anyone else found that they are never hungry on LT and its just find thought of food and eating that appeals?
Im the same kathi, not hungry but craving a fish and chips or pizza from the chipper, cant wait to be able to treat myself. Its taking all my willpower to avoid giving in. First weigh in tomorrow, yay!!