You know you're a CD-head when...

I should never have opened this thread. I'm supposed to be working:

- You know you are a CD head when everything smells 1000 times stronger than it actually is, making you gag or drool depending on which shop you are going past

- You know you are a CD head when you wake up with a horrible lump in your stomach because you thought you binged and then realised you just dreamt it

- You know you are a CD head when you also get excited when you see the white fat particles in your wee.
you no your on cd when your ( freinds! ) all of a sudden start suggesting bar b ques and meals out and text you what they just had for brekkie >>> which they never did b4
Lol we'll have to start calling you "Dr" Gillian McKeith :D
She's such a fraud. Can't. stand. her.

And this chart was around way before she was.


- Your 'last' wee for the night becomes the last of about four, and you still wake up at half three in the morning for another wee
- You have all your refillable water bottles lined up ready to be used for tomorrow (for drinking!!)
- If you work on the road, the order of the customers you visit is based on how nice their toilets are
- You feel morally obligated to buy extra toilet paper (house share situation)
- You really look forward to meeting another CDer and know you'll be able to laugh about all the stuff
- Your Excel sheet tracks your weight, BMI, average weight loss, your weight loss, deviation of average to yours, highlights your WIs, and has a pounds/stone to kilo converter in it because you are worried the MI5 are going to be tracking the number of times you've typed '9 stone 4 pounds in kilos' in Google in case it's some kind of terrorist code
ah...ringing so many bells.:D:D:D

You know you're a CD head when you are chuffed to find 1 litre volvic bottles instead of only 750ml bottles (cause otherwise...that makes water a bother...e.g.err...I've had 2 and a bit 750ml bottles....gah..what's that?!:confused:)

You know you're a CD head when you start getting excited about making strange things out of CD powder. Soup crisps? Pancake? Chocolate slop? excellent.:cool:
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good post! xxxxx thanks
you know when ur on cd when u find what people are eating is horrible when u used to eat the same thing¬!xxxx
LOL! Loved reading these - Laura Croft you're as bad as I am not working! I think I have CD-ADD!
You know you're a cd-head when the trousers you haven't worn yet cos they were too tight are going to remain unworn and given away cos they are now too big and keep falling down!! And you are delighted to do so!!
you know you are a cd head when the first few weeks at work you hide in the copy room to drink your shake so no one sees you & gives you "advice"
You know you're a CD-head when you cancel your milk order with the milkman - and change it to water! :)

And you also know you're a true CD-head when you go all sparkly-eyed and start evangelising about CD, every time anyone asks you how you lost "all that weight"! :D (So much so that I'm thinking of printing cards with the CD website address on them, just so I can hand them out to interested parties! :rolleyes:)
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you know your a cd head when you unplug your fridge to save energy coz there aint anything in it (but you still open the door to look, like in the good old days)
Lol hilarious thread!:8855:

You know when you're a CD head when you spend your time on the internet looking up the calories of Krispy Kreme doughnuts - then announce it to the office how ridiculously fattening they are, just as they are realising they've just had 4 each. All whilst you cackle like a witch! Lol
you know when you're a minimins cd-head when you find yourself thinking about random people on the boards and wondering how pinkbunny22 is doing or whether gatorgirl2008 got the bars she was looking for. lol!