Your life one year from now?


Enjoying life!
Where will you be one year from now?

All being well,

I will be driving around in my Fiat 500 as I am currently learning.

I will be enjoying my slim new body and my wardrobe full of wonderful clothes!

I will be looking forward to celebrating my year of maintaining my weight and my positive relationship with food.

I will be in the same relationship and happy as ever with my partner.

I will be enjoying an active, full social life with my friends and family.

I will be enjoying a regular exercise regime to keep my slim body in shape!

I will still be counting the sleeps till Christmas like I am now! ha ha (85!)

Kat xx
Kat - you named everything I AM doing now, a year later from MY year ago!!! ;) :D

You are on track Mrs!

A year from now, I hope I am living on my mountain, making art, and working in my garden adn orchard, and living a peaceful life.

I know I will be slim, and I know I will have a good relationship with food.

i will be in my fiat 500 too i hope!

i will be the weight i am now - only more toned

i will be able to run 5k easily in about 30 mins
daisy x
Ahh Kat another great one from ya

I agree with everything you said in your post, apart from the Fiat, since I have my lovely new polo.

But to add to your list

I see myself in a successful and happy relationship with someone special.

Living my life outside of London in a wonderful country environment with a garden and space for more animals :)

Running my own business and getting to be my creative best


I will be contorting myself into new and exciting yoga positions without worrying about catching sight of my bum in the mirror.

I will be in an intermediate or advanced tribal bellydance class :)

I will be choosing clothes that express who I am, not hide all my bumpy bits.

I will be learning to drive (I lived in the US as a teenager and only have a US driving licence that expired about a million years ago!).

I will be swimming like a fish :)

I will be enjoying London and walking everywhere without fear of my ankles falling off!

I will be working on a novel(!). Maybe my second novel(!!).

I will be accepting social invitations rather than turning them down "until I lose weight".

I will have quit smoking.

I may be playing music live (if I feel like it, rather than avoiding it because I don't want to be a "fat" performer).

I will be a foodie rather than an "eater" - cooking and savouring food that I really *enjoy*, not just food that fills me up.

I will be a friend to myself :)

Can't wait!