zebredys' Weight Loss Diary - Its for life now

Sorry for not many replies lately, hopefully things will be different in a week or two. :(

I have backache at the moment, and its driving me mad. I can walk around the house and pick things off tables, put them, in the bin etc, but if I try to bend over I get a sudden jolt of pain in my lower back, which is the worst feeling ever. Sometimes happens as well when I try to get up :(

It might help to know that I do not cope well with pain AT ALL.. :cry:

This is turning into the worse week ever and I feel like I want to curl up into a ball and die. Even trying to turn in bed when sleeping gives me a load of sudden pain in my lower back.

What's worse is my hubby works 6-6 during the week, and really needs his sleep. and being like this is really not good for his sleep..

Im not even risking sitting on the sofa for too long, as last time this happened, my back kept hurting suddenly when on the sofa, and one time it was so bad I fell on the floor in pain and could not get up again without it hurting..

Meds are not working so well, and the only other appointment I can get is for Friday :( (at least this time its with a better doctor)

At least I can kinda sit ok on this dinning room type computer chair we have in the back room, but who wants to spend all day doing that, certainly not me.

Can't even pick up my cats to give them a nice cuddle, or easily pick up the cat bowels to feed them, unless I do it a funny way and bend my knees and lower myself as far as I can (praying no pain comes)

Sorry for the rant, pain does that too me...
Aw, sorry to hear ur having a rough time :( hope they sort you out soon and that the pain disappears xx
Aw, sorry to hear ur having a rough time :( hope they sort you out soon and that the pain disappears xx

Thanks for the reply, don't want to jinx anything, but can bend over and pick things off the floor today like the cat dishes, without the twinges of pain in my back. Plus can sit on the sofa (with a comfy pillow behind me) and no attack of the killer twinges (lol sorry)

So fingers crossed by Friday it will all be gone. I saw someone on Friday and they gave me some stuff, and I personally don't think that did much, but still gona keep the appointment I have on this Friday with a better Doctor (just my oppinion) as I want this sorted once and for all, and also she might help me with my problem with my arms too.

Have not been able to put both straight up in the air together without bending them for quite some time now (years) and so those great songs I love doing the dance moves too, where you have to clap your hands up in the air, do not work so well for me.

Here is hoping...
Hey, just dropping in to see how things are going with you :)
Well thanks, Im nor sure whether I will continue with this or not yet, got so many things going on at the mo

Starting up my own Sci-Fi group, worrying about my back going all the time even when its not (like I used to with my migraine I would get a head ache and think a migraine was coming, as I hated them so much and averaged one ever 4-5 weeks sometimes more often then that)

I don't know if I have the time to post as often as I would like, and make the posts as good as I would like.. Cause sometimes they take me too long to write, and I never know how many people actually want to hear what little old me has to say :(

We shall see, its been a funny time for me at mo, thinking about semi leaving a group I used to belong too, due to not feeling as wanted there as I should do, got groups first meeting this weekend, and some other stuff.

As I said we shall see, and thanks for reading thus far, still doing WW though, and will always update my signature, and post elsewhere...