Total Solution It's NOW or never!!

Well done!!!! Take one day at a time! If you decide to swap, then that's ok!! I can help you with that too lol

lol I like that! :) Well, I still have 3-weeks worth of packs so I'm staying :)
Good morning, hope you're finding the weekend easier.

Might be worth having some cooked chicken or a boiled egg in the fridge for the moments you want to stray? xx
Good morning, hope you're finding the weekend easier. Might be worth having some cooked chicken or a boiled egg in the fridge for the moments you want to stray? xx

Good morning! :) I can feel things are getting easier now. Yay! :) Oh that is definitely a good idea. Thanks for the suggestion :) I think I'll have some roast chicken on standby? Is roast chicken okay?
Hope you smash day 7! X Restarted CD 9 Sept 5ft 1" 13st 2 BMI 37.2 Wk1 12st5.5 -10.5 BMI 32.7

Thank you so much for the support :) I am doing my best to stay 100% all the time now :) Congratulations on your weight loss! xx
Thanks Fiona! Will surely do :)
Yesterday was so much better than today. I felt so motivated and never felt hungry yesterday. Today, I kinda struggled. I've been reading diaries and viewing before&after photos again so I could clear my head and ignore all the temptations around. I succeeded, thankfully :) Still I can't seem to decide whether or not to place an order for my next bumper pack. I know it's too soon to start ordering for the next batch of packs but you see I have this discount code or something and I don't have a clue until when I can use it. Maybe, I can make tomorrow's weigh in results as a deciding factor? :) I wonder what the scales would tell me then...

Better call it a night now. Feeling exhausted! Happy though that I have completed the first week - my very own first week!! :)

Yay to day 7! :) :) :)
Good morning, got my fingers crossed for a good week one weigh in for you. Good luck :fingerscrossed: xx

Only you can decide if this diet is for you. Personally it suits me as it takes food out of the equation.
I might still get cravings and yes I do wobble from time to time, but in my head I know if I can be strong and give it 100% it will work.

Yes, roast chicken is fine, just remove the skin.
And the scale says.... I'm 9lbs lighter!! :) :) :)

Hope everyone else is doing great today xxx

Hello week 2! :)
WOW! well done you! :woohoo: The 9s for you next week, exciting! xx
WOW! well done you! :woohoo: The 9s for you next week, exciting! xx

Thanks G! :) Yeah, really exciting! Gosh! The loss was almost double my goal of 5lbs for my first weigh in :)

How are you doing? xx
Thanks G! :) Yeah, really exciting! Gosh! The loss was almost double my goal of 5lbs for my first weigh in :)

How are you doing? xx

I'm doing well thanks, My weigh in is tomorrow.
I'm a low loser though, I don't know if that's down to my age or what? But I'm happy just to see the numbers go down and drop dress sizes! :D xx
I'm doing well thanks, My weigh in is tomorrow. I'm a low loser though, I don't know if that's down to my age or what? But I'm happy just to see the numbers go down and drop dress sizes! :D xx
lol Well, I also won't mind losing just a bit each week as long as the figures go down :) and oh yes, the dress sizes should drop too! :)
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Hi Ladies
today is my first day back on the Exante diet. I am 5ft 6 and 13st 12lb. It is now time for me to knuckle down after a very busy and enjoyable summer. I now have to get this weight off!! I am setting myself mini goals. I know in the first week I am capable of a half stone loss. Hopefully In 4 weeks I would want to of lost a stone. I cannot wait to get into ketosis and hopefully keep my current motivation as strong as it is today.
i shall be checking in to minimins every day for added hints, tips and motivation from you all.
Sam xx
Hi Ladies today is my first day back on the Exante diet. I am 5ft 6 and 13st 12lb. It is now time for me to knuckle down after a very busy and enjoyable summer. I now have to get this weight off!! I am setting myself mini goals. I know in the first week I am capable of a half stone loss. Hopefully In 4 weeks I would want to of lost a stone. I cannot wait to get into ketosis and hopefully keep my current motivation as strong as it is today. i shall be checking in to minimins every day for added hints, tips and motivation from you all. Sam xx
Hi Sam! Yes, half a stone is very achievable on the first week. I started last Monday so I just had my first weigh-in today. So happy to have lost 9lbs already! You'll do well. Just give us a shout should you need some help in the form of some encouragement or motivation maybe? How are you getting on?

Anne xx
Hi Anne
so far so good! The apple and cinnamon porridge was delicious, and I have just tried the Shepherds pie meal. There's more variety now than before. I lost 2 and a half stone 4 years ago on the Cambridge diet, but this is by far the nicest tasting VLCD. I know I just have to ride the storm for a couple of days until ketosis, but I am so determined this time.
Thank you for your reply, and congrats on your first week - 9lbs, Wow, well done!!
Thanks Sam! I'm sure you'll do great. If you really want it that much, you can will it to happen. (that's what I believe, anyway) :) I haven't tried those yet. I have the winter warmer bumper so I'm stuck with the porridge oats, the bars, and pasta carbonara. I like them all though :)