Can i do it?


Full Member
Last night i decided that i would make a date for a shopping spree with my friend and we are planning to go round the shops and get a load of clothes but i am not happy with my weight and want to have lost 3 stone for it this is the end of may do people think this is unrealistic or is it a little hard but achievable.
You can do anything if you really want to - and it sounds to me like you REALLY want to! Good luck, keep tracking and sharing your experiences on here and you will get there - it's just a matter of time. Good luck!!!!
Last night i decided that i would make a date for a shopping spree with my friend and we are planning to go round the shops and get a load of clothes but i am not happy with my weight and want to have lost 3 stone for it this is the end of may do people think this is unrealistic or is it a little hard but achievable.

It's 9 weeks til May now, 3 stone = 42lbs / 9 = 4.6lbs per week.

As harsh as this will sound, thats unrealistic and quite frankly even on a VLCD would be almost unachievable.
im really buzzing about may but it may spoil it if i cant lose i think i need a kick up the arse like christmas gave me

It's fine to have a target and to be excited about what's going to happen at a certain time point but you also have to be realistic, otherwise as you get closer to your time limit without achieving your goal you'll just get down hearted and be more likely to give up.
If you're talikng about the end of May, I'd aim for 2 stone maximum. Any more ans, as Stackhead said, you'll only set yourself up for failure. Look at losing 1-2lbs a week. Good luck! :) xx