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  1. M

    hello everyone, i am an old lipotrimmer

    Just thought i would pop back on and wish you luck for your restart. I remember meeting you through this and you encouraging me through a difficult 9 weeks, and you were always there to chat too when times were rough and i felt like giving up. To everyone else good luck and when the chips are...
  2. M

    I havent gained!!!

    well done chell, i have been maintaining since early march now. i have remained within 3lbs of my finish weight so its all going good so far!
  3. M

    first weigh in back on lipotrim !

    im sure you can twist my arm for moral support ! xx
  4. M

    Calling it a day..........

    thanks and well done, keep going , you will succeed!! x
  5. M

    Calling it a day..........

    thnks nicki28 keep it going...thanks sarah will have the chicken , sweating on the beer as its st patricks day next week!!!, Chell almost there , see you on FB! xx
  6. M

    Calling it a day..........

    thanks jan, look at you, over halfway already , keep it up xx
  7. M

    Calling it a day..........

    thanks rachel, and good luck, you are dropping consistently xxx
  8. M

    Calling it a day..........

    Start 17 st 11lb week 1 16st 8 - 17lb week 2 16st 3 - 5lb week 3 15st 13 lb - 4lb (incorrect at 15 -9 last week, pharmacist error on calculation) Week 4 15st 5 lb - 8lb Week 5 15st 1lb - 4lb Week 6 14st-10lb -5lb Had some slightly dodgy figures along the way as my...
  9. M

    first weigh in back on lipotrim !

    Top one mate, told you it would be more than you thought , xxxxx
  10. M

    what i have been eating..

    You will do it , with you all the way babe xxx
  11. M

    hello guys n girls....

    well after my little pancake day wobble, i will probably earn my self an extra week or so ...... bloody expensive pancake.! well as you are probably fed up of me telling you by now , you really are a true inspiration, i've seen the results first hand( we live in the same village,and have got...
  12. M

    please help losing heart

    to be frank, balls to em! hear it constantly myself, usually from the jealous or the weak willed who couldn't stick it for 5 mins if they tried it, all waiting for you to "put it all back on , and more " . Well stuff em , you do it for you , and be safe in the knowledge that when you have...
  13. M

    4th Weigh in

    Start 17 st 11lb week 1 16st 8 - 17lb week 2 16st 3 - 5lb week 3 15st 13 lb - 4lb (incorrect at 15 -9 last week, pharmacist error on calculation) Week 4 15st 5 lb - 8lb Just discussed and potentially could be on re feed in 2-3 weeks! yippppeeeeeee!!
  14. M

    First Day

    Welcome, im on day 24 and finding it ok, first few days the worst after that its pretty much plain sailing, allthough have to admit have the odd up and down day, i tried to put myself in tricky testing positions in the rist few days to test my will power , and personally found it a great help!
  15. M


    Stay focused, it will get easier, and well done for not being tempted!
  16. M

    WK 5 WI

    excellent well done!
  17. M

    Week 3 Weigh in

    A good week, back on my cycling after a week off due to the snow, and even mixed in a 15 minute run on arrival at work. Starting Weight 17st 11lbs Week 1 16st 8lbs - 17 lbs :) Week 2 16st 3lbs - 5lbs :) Week 3 15st 9lbs - 8 lbs...
  18. M

    Chicken soup....

    i tended to add chilli or curry powder to mine , but after week 2 found i could not stomach them any longer as they left me feeling bloated
  19. M

    First Day

    Welcome, go for it!! the first few days are a bit stranges yes, but that will soon pass. im on day 22 and feeling great, have the odd bad day , but soon get remotivated and positive. Positive Mental Attitude will see you through!!
  20. M

    Week2 heading down!

    Slower week, but to be expected and short of 70 miles worth of cycling due to the snow! Start 17st 11 Week 1 16st 8 lbs - 17:D Week 2 16st 3 lbs -5 :)
  21. M

    My 1st Weigh In!

    first week done!!!!!!!!!:) initial Weight 17st 11lb first week total 16st 8lb!! 17 pounds lost!!!!!!
  22. M

    ReTraining My Brain

    day 5, suprised how easy its been to be honest. i keep waiting for a huge hunger attack but nothing so far, have now resumed cycling to work along the river and back 10 mile round trip, and this is not having any major impact on my energy levels.
  23. M

    ReTraining My Brain

    survived the day! even went to a sweet shop for the girls at work to pick up supplies.. feel quite lively today, compared to yesterday so hopefully things will carry on like this during the first week.
  24. M

    just stareted lipotrim

    go for it! im on day 3 and finding things ok!!
  25. M

    ReTraining My Brain

    Day 3 am, morning all, biggest minefield of the lot today - back to the office. This is where most of my unnecessary eating stems from. Fortunately i start a new project that i have been preparing since October , so im going to have my hands full(of work) for the next few months. Day 2 was...
  26. M

    ReTraining My Brain

    passed a major test, just cooked sunday dinner for the family, smelt devine but not a speck of it was tasted!!!!!!!!! big thanks to nicki for being there in these first few challenging days!! x
  27. M

    ReTraining My Brain

    what a relief, after the first day and a horrid chicken soup, ive just got up early and tried the strawberry shake.! not bad at all, if push comes to shove i reckon i could get by on this one!!!!!!!!
  28. M

    ReTraining My Brain

    Day 1 on Lipotrim... Spent most of the day stopping myself doing the things we normally do without thinking. Trip to the shops , not buying any goodies, Cup of Tea, no biscuits to dip in.... Making the childrens dinner without tasting it or polishing off any left overs.... Had my first...
  29. M

    If You Are Doing Lipotrim Please Post Here And Tell Your Story!

    Well ladies and gents, this morning i have started my mission!!! half a vanilla shake and a coffee! so far so good!!!!!!!!!
  30. M

    what i have been eating..

    Thanks nicki, allthough ive tried to mail it and its not liking it! space after n?x
  31. M

    what i have been eating..

    sorry Nicki not strictly the right place to post, but seems i have to get loads of post before i can send messages?? Well 24 hours is a long time and anything can happen! The obstacles that were sort of preventing me making a start soon have been dealt with, so if i can get down there this...
  32. M

    what i have been eating..

    Hangover !! ouch!!!!! Have set a start date of 1st March, for a couple of reasons, otherwise im doomed to fail if i try and rush in! If i don't bump into you before, i'm sure the op will be fine, im not a massive fan of hospitals myself so can understand you feeling a bit nervous! xx
  33. M

    Newbee _ worried about "the after!"

    thanks very much, just the sort of information i was looking for. well if all goes to plan i will be starting on friday 30th Jan!
  34. M

    Newbee _ worried about "the after!"

    Ok, so i've not got to the point of starting yet, likely to be feb/ march as have some other things to deal with first and want to make sure i'm totally focused before starting else bound to get it wrong. my aim is to got from 17st 11 to around 14. Im more worried about what happens when you...
  35. M

    Thinking about starting Lipotrim? READ THIS!

    hoping to start this in February allthough still undecided whats best for me at the moment, seems so many to choose from allthough VLC seems to be the best option for me personally.