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    My food dairy and Cal counting.

    Today was the official start of my diet but today was also the only botched day I've had so far! My own fault really, was just poor planing on my part. Ran out off milk for my shake for breakfast. Ended up buying a subway right before I started my exam. Sigh. Sub Curry spilt for dinner Milk...
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    My food dairy and Cal counting.

    I've been doing it for about a week now. I officially start tomorrow. Wanted to take a week first to make sure I could do it. Dinner- Sunday dinner meat, gravy roasties ate most of it - 700 cals 2 more 33cal weight watchers drinks My second shake 201 cals. 402 33 x 3 9 99 501 700 1203 800...
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    My food dairy and Cal counting.

    Lost loads of weight about 4 years ago using Orlastat, Over the years I have regained almost all of it. I felt myself getting out of control but I was unable to grab it. The Final straw came when my boyfriend began making Jokes about my weight. I made a choice to get back in control of my life...
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    The answer to "How Many Calories Should I Eat?"

    Awesome! Really helped, thank you!
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    Need some reassurance please

    Just hang in there!
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    My restart.

    Lost loads of weight about 4 years ago using Orlastat, Over the years I have regained almost all of it. I felt myself getting out of control but I was unable to grab it. The Final straw came when my boyfriend began making Jokes about my weight. I made a choice to get back in control of my life...
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    Starting again. Again

    Sigh. Trying a combo of Orlstat and actkins. Wish me luck.
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    Trying Orlastat!

    Used this before and it worked for me, hopefully i will be able to repeat my success!
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    I went into Boots to buy a months pack of Alli. The girl said she would need to weight me or she cant sell me them. Ok so my BMI showed up as 24. The girl refused to sell them to me!! I was so shocked! I lost close to 70lbs on Zenacal and I have only 10lbs untill i reach my all time goal. Its...
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    Dont even think about anything but having fun. Run the kids ragged and you'll be knackerd too!
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    Update on my loss.

    Im the one in the middle. The is before lol
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    Update on my loss.

    Im not sure my counting for the loss is right
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    Update on my loss.

    This is a record for myself, but if it helps anyone then good luck. Need to lose 23lbs to reach my goal. I am tempted to lose another 28lbs just so I can say I lost 100lbs! I cant believe it. I am littleraly sitting here staring at the screen in disbelief. I stopped caring about my weight...
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    Stoped Orlastat 2 months now

    Just an update! I posted this late last year(I think) Since I made this post I have lost another 31lbs. My Bmi is now in the healthy range and it all took over about a year and a half. Thanks everyone for your kind words. Im hoping to get before and after pics up too :)
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    Stoped Orlastat 2 months now

    And I have lost another 14LBS!! In total i have lost nearly 80lb thanks to the kick start of this little pill. I have more to lose, but I want that to just happen naturaly, I dont even think about my weight anymore.
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    shes just fat

    Nvm them, But sometimes it takes that last push, still hurts tho.
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    Alcohol and me

    I had to stop drinking. Its wat was making me fat.
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    Quite worried.

    About three months ago I found a hard lump on my breast. Its wasnt much so I put it down to w8 loss and my peroid after just having got the coil in. Today my fella finaly lost the rag and he made me see the doctor. She said theres something there and booked me in for a ulrascan and a neddle...
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    Newbie checkin in

    Take it nice and slowly. Thats my plan. I am giving myself a year to lose the 50lbs i need to lose. The time will pass anyway.
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    Newbie alert!

    Thanks for the kind welcome. :):flirt2:
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    Whats the worst?

    Hello! We all know that at times Xenical can lull us into a falce sence of security! What are some funny/horrific experances you have had? At first i didnt watch what i ate. I just kept on with the cakes and chineses. The coco ice lollys "feasts" were my dayly snack. Then one day i was sitting...
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    Newbie alert!

    :wave_cry: Hello there! Im Annemarie from Ireland. I have been taking Orlastat (zenacal) for 5 months now and I have lost 40lbs. My bmi is down to "over weight"(26.7) now. I cant seem to break into the "normal" box lol. The pills have stoped working now so i have to put the work in! The tablets...