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  1. L

    Booooo, im disheartened that i only lost a pound!

    Better a pound off than on. Think how much more disheartening it would be if you'd gained a pound! And yes, you shoud be drinking a lot more than you are. Doesn't have to be water...more cups of tea is fine, or sugar free squash...anything that helps get more fluid into you. Good luck for...
  2. L

    Best thing i ate yesterday....

    2 chocolates from Hotel Chocolat (a praline and a walnut crunch)....heavenly!
  3. L

    One meal a day?

    ^^ What she said! Great post, Lucky Cat. The reason most of us are where we are is because we've tried every 'miracle' diet tip going. They don't work. End of. If you can't find the motivation, then you're not ready for the journey.
  4. L

    Wii Fit + & Bathroom Scales :O

    The Wii Fit is not that accurate. I always go by the bathroom scales...the Wii Fit always says I'm a bit lighter but I know the bathroon ones are right, unfortunately!
  5. L

    Where do you notice weight loss first?

    Above my waist is defintely shifting faster than below it. I think my face was the first thing that people noticed and started to remark on. One of the first things I noticed myself was my wrists (weirdly!!). I got a new watch at Christmas by February I noticed that it was loose. It's even...
  6. L

    Hard Time with Exercise :(

    If you want to continue using the rower alongside other forms fo exercise, try doing intervals. Part of my regime (I'm currently having personal training) is to row 500m and then rest for 1 minute. I repeat this 3-4 times (rowing 1500-2000m in total). That takes around 10-15 minutes and, to...
  7. L

    A Womans Week at the gym. MUST READ!

    I would laugh at this....but it hurts too much when I do I had a personal training session this morning and now everything aches....I barely have the strength to lift a mug of coffee and going upstairs for a wee is an impossibility. The only saving grace is that I don't have the strength to...
  8. L

    What are you looking forward to?

    Short term - I'm looking forward to the two weddings I have coming up over the next few weeks. One is in Italy next weekend and then another at home just 12 days later. I have a gorgeous dress & fab shoes to wear and since I've got a lot of my confidence back, I'll not be trying to blend into...
  9. L


    I do 1km (50 lengths of a 20m pool) in about 40 minutes. I hate swimming though as I find it really boring and have to force myself to stay in the pool as I can see the jacuzzi and steam room and would far rather be in those! I really want to enjoy swimming as it's so good for you but I find...
  10. L

    where would you most like to lose weight?

    Everywhere but I'd love a flatter stomach and nice toned arms.
  11. L

    Summer Challenge?

    Congrats everyone on the losses...all doing very well so far :) I'm pleased to be able to add another 2lb loss to my stats...going on holiday in a few days though so will have to try really hard not to gain while I'm away. With hindsight, knowing greek food is my weakness, it wasn't...
  12. L

    Is it possible?

    I've lost just over 5 stone doing no particular diet...I just eat smaller portions of healthier food and do more exercise. I haven't cut out anything totally (that way lies failure for me - I've been there too many times!) but am careful about how many carbs I eat and, obviously, keep the very...
  13. L

    Tablespoons on 810

    1 tablespoon = 15ml. So you could use 3 teaspoons instead.
  14. L


    Next do a plus size range up to size 28. You have to look online though - I've never seen any bigger than a 20/22 in store.
  15. L

    273lbs to lose... all or nothing

    Fantastic progress!!! And you're starting month 2 in a great frame of mind for continued success...go for it!
  16. L

    2 stone target set for July

    Count me in! I started out last year with 13 stone to lose....just over 5 stone lost now and another 2 gone by July would be fantastic as that would take me past the half-way point. Mind you, the gallon of cocktails I sank last night at my friend's hen night and the bacon sarnie I just...
  17. L

    Summer Challenge?

    Well, I braved the scales and....... (drumroll, please......) 2lb loss! Ok, not exactly a record breaking amount but still going in the right direction. I have definitely lost significant inches though as my clothes are much looser and I can see muscle definition developing in places...
  18. L

    Am I being unrealistic?

    Exact;y a year ago, I was a size 26/28 and I'm an 18/20 now...and that was having about 4 months where I lost momentum maintained but didn't really lose anything. So I reckon it's defintely do-able. good luck!
  19. L

    Summer Challenge?

    Well done on all the losses, everyone. I'm still avoiding the scales as I've been seriously hitting the gym and I don't want to see a gain on the scales. If my trainer insists on trying to weigh me at my next session (tomorrow), I may have to knock him out with a hand weight :D Only...
  20. L

    273lbs to lose... all or nothing

    Hi and Welcome! Firstly, congratulations on your 19lb loss! That's a phenomenal start to your journey! Try not to think about the big numbers, take things one day at a time and if you have a slip or a bad day, draw a line under it and start afresh the next morning - don't use it as an excuse...
  21. L

    Chilli Thickening?

    I don't do slimming world so I don't know anything about syn values but red lentils are a great way to thicken chilli, or some porridge oats. Neither will affect the flavour either.
  22. L

    what dress size are u and what are you aiming for?

    I started at 26/28 top and 28/30 bottom. I'm now 18 top and 20/22 bottom. I'll be happy to get comfortably into a 16 so I can shop anywhere but ideally I'd like to get to a 14. When I get there, I'll re-evaluate and see if I want to go smaller.
  23. L


    I stalled badly around the 19 stone mark, having already managed to lose 4 stone. I just couldn't seem to get below it and would lose 1lb one week only to put 2 on the next... This went on for a couple of months until I realised that I'd proved to myself that I CAN lose weight so why wasn't I...
  24. L

    Too embarrassed to go gym?!...

    A month ago I was having exactly this debate with myself. On the one hand, I knew that joining the gym would help me to accelerate my weight loss which had stalled after losing around 4 stone. On the other hand, I would hyperentilate at the thought exercising in a room full of skinny, fit...
  25. L

    Am i wasting my time???

    Amen! I can so identify with this. It's taken me a long time to realise it but now that I have accepted that diet and regular exercise are now permanent features of my life, I feel in control of myself for the first time in my adult life and it feels great :) [/SIZE]
  26. L

    Summer Challenge?

    Well done to the losers! (meant in the best possible sense of the word, of course :D ) Sarah, that's an amazing loss! I'd have to lop off an arm to lose 12lbs lol. And hello to the new joiners :) It's nice to be in such great company!
  27. L

    Questions, Answers, Tips, Advice, Ramble Ramble...

    If that question's for me? I go to Esporta. Have a look at your city council one and Total Fitness and see which you like the look of best. It doesn't really matter where you go, as long as you go :D! Not that long at all. Let's see, I do: 7 minutes on the cross trainer = 115...
  28. L

    Questions, Answers, Tips, Advice, Ramble Ramble...

    I've seen people cove rthe dispay on the exercise machines too. I either have my ipod on to take my mind off what I'm doing (very dangerous...I've caught myself almost singing out loud a few times and I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket!) or tune into to something on TV and focus on that...
  29. L

    bit disheartened now after weigh in - %^$# scales!!

    Oh, I know! I'm really struggling with the idea of seeing an increase on the hasn't happened yet so I don't know how I'll react, no matter how prepared I think I am...
  30. L

    Just starting on the journey!

    Hey, at the rate you're going, you'll be catching me up in no time at all :D
  31. L


    I've been buying a few items as I go along...just cheap stuff so that it doesn't matter if I only wear them a few times. I have to be smart for work and I can't look smart in ill-fitting clothes. I have got rid of almost all my bigger clothes...I'm determined never to be that size again so no...
  32. L

    bit disheartened now after weigh in - %^$# scales!!

    It's probably that you've built a bit of muscle. I've just started a weight training programme (to complement my cardio exercise) and my trainer has stressed that I WILL see an increase on the scales and that I'm not to panic/get disheartened/dive straight into the biscuit cupboard because I'll...
  33. L

    Just starting on the journey!

    And here it is (hopefully...fingers crossed!!) *edited to add* Woohoo! It worked!
  34. L

    Just starting on the journey!

    16lbs! Fantastic! That's the first stone done...keep up the good work. (I'm going to have to get me one of those ticker thingummyjiggers...very motiational!)
  35. L

    Questions, Answers, Tips, Advice, Ramble Ramble...

    Your gym should have trainers/instructors who can help you devise a programme that will help you achieve your goals. I only joined the gym a few weeks ago but my trainer set me up with a basic cardio programme (cross trainer, bike, rower & treadmill) which I can build on to keep challenging...
  36. L

    Summer Challenge?

    Yeah, stick me down for 21lbs. Sounds like a lot when you say it like that though! A stone and a half sounds infinitely more do-able :D
  37. L

    Summer Challenge?

    I'll join you on this, if I may? I'm calorie counting too...sort of! I try to keep under my limit but as I'm exercising a lot, I'm not too rigid about it. I'm actually going on hols next month and it's a bit late to achieve anything drastic in that timescale; but having a target of July will...
  38. L

    Am i wasting my time???

    I lost 4 stone betwen April and September last year by just cutting my portion sizes, eating healthier foods and exercising more. Then I stalled for ages...didn't gain anything but kind of lost momentum and just stuck around the same weight for ages. Found my motivation again about a month ago...
  39. L

    how not to do it!! too! I'd pay a young, hot, fit trainer to keep me on the straight and narrow and a chef (preferably young hot & fit too...hmm...notice a pattern developing? :D) to prepare my perfectly nutritionally balanced meals. Besides, I'd be far to busy jetting round the world, shopping in...
  40. L

    how not to do it!!

    I think if someone was paying me millions of pounds to lose the weight, I'd find the motivation too ;)
  41. L

    Great to find you

    Sorry, can't advise on the diet but this time last year I was exactly the weight you are now. I'm now 65lbs lighter and, although I've a way to go yet to my target, I feel so much better! I'm fitter, healthier and have loads more energy and I'm starting to get some of the confidence back that...
  42. L

    Finally going to start...

    5lbs is a great loss. Well done! Onwards and upwards!
  43. L

    Thinking of joining gym- help!

    Have to agree with the others....if you have't already joined the gym, DO IT! I was borderline phobic about the thought of setting foot in a gym...all those lyrca clad perfect bods staring at me wobbling around, puffing and panting. I was sure I'd be the first person to ever actually die of...
  44. L

    I am looking for a tv programme????

    Hi According to this link 'Fix my Fat Head' was a one-off programme as part of a special BBC series looking at the psychology of eating disorders. Had a quick look to see if it's available online anywhere but no success...sorry. Shame, as I'd have liked to see it myself.
  45. L

    Just starting on the journey!

    Congrats on taking the first step!! I know it's daunting but you sound like you're in the right frame of mind to get stuck in and go for it and that's half the battle. Very best of luck!
  46. L

    Finally going to start...

    Good start, Charli...stick at it, it does get easier. I've just joined a gym (never thought I'd say that...65lbs ago I would have rather died than be seen exercising in public!) and my personal trainer told me that it takes 3 weeks to form a habit...any habit! So in a few short weeks, your...
  47. L

    Boots for wide calves

    Duo Boots are great...a little pricey but very worth it. The downside of weightloss for me (if there is one!) is that my 3 pairs of Duo boots got too big for me. I sold them on ebay so maybe keep an eye out there too, you just need to work out what calf size you need using the measuring guide...
  48. L

    Weight Loss Equivalents

    Oooh...great topic. I'm loving these! I've lost an elephant's penis :eek: (you'd think I'd have noticed carting one of those around with me all these years :D) and a Chihuahua (i.e. 65lbs). Sounds like a lot until you realise that I still have an average fashion model still to lose...and I...
  49. L


    I can only assume you're joking? Or that whoever told you that was. For the record, no...that's absolute nonsense.
  50. L

    114 lbs to lose!

    Oh yes! I notice a huge difference in my general energy and fitness levels. It's great...I now want to get out and do stuff all the time whereas before, I was constantly tired all the time and just wanted to vegetate on the sofa because everything seemed like too much effort.
  51. L

    Finally going to start...

    Hi and welcome. Not a success story as such as I still have a long way to go but I have lost 64lbs so far this way...smaller portions, healthier food and more exercise. but portion control has definitely been the key for me...I have always had a fairly healthy diet, I just ate far too much of...
  52. L

    114 lbs to lose!

    Ummm...I hadn't really thought about it but yes, I guess it is addictive. The further I get away from my starting weight, the more determined I become to NEVER go back there.
  53. L

    114 lbs to lose!

    Good luck, Livi. I have a similar amount to lose (118lbs or so) but I started out with 182lbs to lose so I'm about one third of the way there. I'm aiming to get into the 17s (18st 6lbs right now) by the end of April...and then I will officially been the smallest I've been in all the years...
  54. L

    April Challenge

    :8855: Lol :D Thanks, Judith :) Until recently, my anti-dote to a hangover was 2 litres of Coke and a fish finger sandwich (white bread, loads of butter!) and somehow the gym isn't quite holding the same appeal but you never know...I might even enjoy it :8855:
  55. L

    Avoiding social gatherings

    I like going out...especially to eat as I'm a real foodie. I also don't feel guilty for 'cheating' on my diet if I eat what I want when I'm out. I just make the effort to do a bit more exercise tomorrow. I'm going out tonight as it's my OH's birthday celebration (this one is with friends)...
  56. L

    April Challenge

    Well, I took my first step towards my April goal yesterday by actually going into the gym and using some of that scary looking equipment. I thought I may need sedatives to stave off the panic attack I felt sure would happen but I couldn't work out the calorie content in a valium sandwich...
  57. L

    April Challenge

    Mine is to overcome my fear of gyms so I can get fitter and hopefully lose another half a stone in April. Took the first step today by actually joining a gym...even though I'm still borderline phobic about setting foor in one! Tomorrow, I get to do the really hard part and actually humiliate...
  58. L

    Can't stop thinking about food!

    Drink water! Loads of it. Apart from being good for you, it will help to make you feel fuller. Also, keep yourself busy. If I start to think about food, I go and do something that needs done around the clean out a cupboard or ironing or something.
  59. L

    Here we go again

    Good luck! You're already a step ahead of me...I want to go to the gym but I'm so intimidated by the thought of it that I can't bring myself to set foot in one. So, well done you!!
  60. L

    How Do You See Yourself?

    Thanks :o Yesterday 10km took me about 40 minutes. Today, I increased the tension on the cross trainer and only managed 9km in that time...I may regret that tomorrow when I can't walk! lol They key is my ipod and a playlist of my favourite high-tempo music. 40 minutes is only 8-10 songs or so...
  61. L

    How Do You See Yourself?

    Makes perfect sense to me because that's exactly how I feel! I may have lost over 4 stone and dropped a few dress sizes but I'm still basically the same shape I was. However, the big difference I do recognise is in my fitness and general wellbeing. 5 minutes on the cross trainer used to be a...
  62. L

    Current Motivation

    I'm going on holiday in 7 weeks time; and then have a family wedding to attend 2 weeks after that so I'd like to shift another stone before then (& keep it off during the holiday...why did I book a holiday in Greece when greek food is a huge weakness of mine? D'oh!) As well as the holiday...
  63. L

    Lowering Goal

    That sounds a little low to me. I'm 2 inches shorter and think that 119lbs would be too low even for me. Sounds like you are perfect just where you are now.
  64. L

    How Did You Become Fat?

    I can't lay all the blame at her feet, but I realise now that my Mum started my problem with food. She has always struggled with her weight and projected her problems onto me. She had me on diets since I was 7 or 8...she would give me half a grapefruit to eat for breakfast & lunch & fat free...
  65. L

    Newbie, warning: contains sarcasm!

    I'm a newbie too but your story could be mine! Except I don't think I ever made it anywhere near 6 weeks. This site has been a real revelation for me. When I'm having a wobble, I have a quick look on here and find the motivation to step away from the chocolate. Best of will do...
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    I have a rescue Rottie X. Newfoundlands are my 'main' breed but I do love the friend shows them and breeds an occasional litter so I'll hopefully have a pup in future.
  67. L

    Small Victories

    I'm the world's greatest chocoholic and I've had a pack of Cadbury Caramel bunnies in my desk drawer in work for 2 days now and haven't touched them. Every time they cross my mind, I go and fill my water bottle or have a little bit of fruit instead. I should really give them to someone else to...
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    Room for a (not so) little one?

    Hello. I just discovered this site today and I'm already a little bit hooked :) I had no idea that there was anyone out there that understood what I am feeling and going through...let alone a whole forum full of people! What a revelation! My story is a long one, but I'll cut to the...