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  1. J

    Hmm, so it appears going it alone isn't as easy as I thought!

    For the last 6 weeks or so I've tried going it alone, not using PP or my weight tracker, by just portioning food myself and trying to watch what I eat. I've not weighed myself in a month, and got a little shock when I stepped on the scales yesterday. 6 pounds heavier! I was expecting maybe a...
  2. J

    Bad few days

    I've been the same for the last few days guys. No particular reason though, I think I've just gone a bit mad this last week! Put on 2.5lbs, so its fully back on plan tomorrow.... gonna have to be good for the next couple of weeks! Anyway, it spikes the metabolism when you have a wee binge, so...
  3. J

    Do you find yourself using WW less with time?

    I started with SW and then moved to WW (been on WW about 12 weeks). In the last 4/5 weeks I've found myself pointing less and less, but still loosing 1-2 lbs a week(and thats still with having a weekly take-out!). I think WW has taught me about portions as I still weigh almost everything I...
  4. J

    Why is it so hard in the evening?

    I manage to stick to a sensible, well balanced, spaced diet during the day. And I find it easy enough. So why do the evenings turn me into some sugar/bread/carb monster??!!? I've managed to loose 3 stone 3 pounds in the last 3 1/2 months, and I've been really good and stuck to plan, but...
  5. J

    the eternal debate. one point left. how do you use it?

    A jaffa cake or something similar, eaten really really slowly!
  6. J

    What happens when you reach goal online?

    Apparently when you reach your goal at WW meetings you get to attend for free after? Is this true? Does anyone know if the same is true online, or would you still need to pay to get access to all the tools (points calculator etc)? Im nowhere near goal yet, but Im wondering how exactly I...
  7. J

    WW and SW

    I've recently made the move from SW to WW, and I have to say I'm loving it. Yes it does take a little while to get used to pointing everything, and there are occasions where I feel a little more hungry than I would have on SW, but I think thats because I was eating a lot(and I mean loads) of...
  8. J

    Contemplating moving from SW to WW

    Are you coming from SW or another plan?
  9. J

    Contemplating moving from SW to WW

    I would have found myself binging a lot as well. Thing is with WW you have the points to have a binge within the plan. I've just munched a big bag of minstrels, but I just used some of my weekly PP so it's ok!
  10. J

    Contemplating moving from SW to WW

    Yeah I do, lol guess I weigh anyway and see how I've done!
  11. J

    Contemplating moving from SW to WW

    Well thats day one done. I definitely found myself eating less, my dinner was about half of what I would have had on SW, but I don't mind because I was able to have chocolate after lol. It was nice to be able to have cereal, and cheese on toast in the morning to. As everyone says both...
  12. J

    Contemplating moving from SW to WW

    Well I've made the decision to start PP tomorrow (today!). I was going to wait til the end of the week, but I'm not happy on SW anymore, so I figured why wait! I'll let everyone know how I find it. I'm looking forward to the change :)
  13. J

    Contemplating moving from SW to WW

    Hi I've been doing SW(online) for 7 weeks now, and have done pretty well and have lost 2 stone. I've been able to stick to it reasonably well, but there's a couple of things that lately have started to be on my mind. The whole free food thing I feel works against me sometimes as I can...
  14. J

    Fell off the wagon yesterday!

    I always have a take away on a Sat night. Have done since the first couple of weeks since starting SW. Last night I decided on a chippy, and maybe it's because I've cut a huge amount of greasy fried food out of my diet, but I just didnt enjoy it. So feeling hugely unsatisfied I proceeded...
  15. J

    SW v.s Calorie Counting or Both?

    Just to update, I weighed myself today(week 5), after 6 days of calorie controlled Extra Easy day, and I've lost 6.5 pounds! This was also my first week of the gym though, so that may have something to do with it to it! But I really do think that counting the calories has helped for me. Im...
  16. J

    SW v.s Calorie Counting or Both?

    I've been on SW for a month and have lost a fair bit of weight (19.5 lbs). I began using My Fitness Pal a few days ago, and I'm now doing a combination of both SW and calorie counting. I was still finding myself literally gorging myself on way too much pasta, mince, rice etc. Im going to...
  17. J

    Fat Experiences

    Its kinda nice (in a way), to see that other people get this crap to. I've just decided to use all the comments as a motivator to stick to loosing the weight.
  18. J

    Fat Experiences

    There's nothing that really sticks out, it's more the frequency of comments (ie daily!).
  19. J

    Fat Experiences

    For me there's no one particular experience that stands out. What I am sick of is being "the fat guy", or being called "big lad". The constant jibes from the guys at work, even though I know it's just banter and no-one (I hope) means anything genuinely nasty, also really get to me. I still...
  20. J

    First Supermarket shop since starting SW.

    I'm just back from the supermarket having done my first shop since starting SW yesterday. I think it's going to take a while to get in tune with not lifting all my favourite things automatically, I had to catch myself on a few times this evening. The supermarkets also don't help by putting...
  21. J

    So I weighed myself for the first time today...

    Wow. I know I've gotten bigger, but even I was shocked to find that I weigh 18 stone 7 pounds!!! This is my starting weight for slimming world, and to be honest it's kinda shocked me a little so I'm determined to get the weight off! So onwards we go!!!!
  22. J

    Just saying hello!

    Hi all, Im a 31 year old guy who has always been 'big'(fat!). I've never really tried to loose weight before, but I've noticed in the last few years since getting married that I'm getting bigger. I have 2 young children (a 2 year old, and a 5 month old), and they're part of the reason that...