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  1. M

    30 day Shred

    And I've got a KFC hangover & a job interview lol! Gonna do it this aft and get it out of the way!!
  2. M

    30 day Shred

    Right! pact??? I too will start this tomorrow!
  3. M

    Mairiphinc's diary!

    Bloody indian buffet!
  4. M

    completly messed up, put most weight back on

    The best thing to do is to increase your calories slowly, say 50 or 100 a week until you find the amount where you maintain your weight.
  5. M

    Mairiphinc's diary!

    If I keep going this week 100% it will be my first week entirely within my weekly average calories! The amount over has lessened each week but this week it's on track, the treadmilling had helped a lot as it's given me a buffer zone although I try not to use my exercise calories as a rule. Still...
  6. M

    Word Association Thread

  7. M

    Word Association Thread

  8. M

    Mairiphinc's diary!

    Toby carvery within cals today! Got treadmilling plenty.
  9. M

    Help!!! Wanna suprise the boyfriend...

    I second MyFitnessPal, it's really helped me! I'm also doing the 30 day shred DVD which is supposed to get fast results. Nothing wrong with a new outfit, new hairdo and maybe a makeover at a makeup stall a few days before too! I love the Mac makeup counter!
  10. M

    Lost 22lb but dont look any thinner ??

    Also it's always the case that you don't see it in yourself! I bet you DO look different to other people!
  11. M

    Anybody else cry at Extreme Makeover...?

    Oh my god I'm so bad for this at the moment, I'm working shifts and nights a lot so I get to watch a lot of daytime TV. Every time I see someone get an extreme makeover or get made 10 years younger I start blimmin' tearing up or proper weeping!! :rolleyes: I wish someone would come and whisk me...
  12. M

    11 weeks to christmas

    Couldn't stay away! Ha, 1.5lbs this week, very good considering I had a few bad days. Started treadmilling now!! 19lbs to go by Christmas!!! Congrats everyone!!
  13. M

    completly messed up, put most weight back on

    Awww! Ha. Back on track today!
  14. M

    Mairiphinc's diary!

    OK so after yesterday's Chinese takeaway slip-up *ahem* today has been better! Stuck to plan, did some weights and half an hour on the treadmill, so unfit compared to last year when I was walking more regularly. Sweated buckets! Feeling slightly more positive!
  15. M


    It is a great programme, really simple. I've not lost as much as I wanted this first 3 weeks because I went from eating anything and everything I wanted to 1200 cals a day so I've had a few slip ups along the way but having food ready made at my fingertips has really helped. I just don't have...
  16. M

    completly messed up, put most weight back on

    I really know what you mean. I messed up and had a Chinese last night cos we had a friend round and we had to feed her and because we're doing Diet Chef we didn't have any ordinary food in the house, so we ordered takeaway! We should have found a way around it but I felt rude sitting there...
  17. M

    Word Association Thread

  18. M

    Word Association Thread

  19. M

    completly messed up, put most weight back on

    I lost 2 stones but put 1.5 back on :( now I'm trying again and I've got my gain down to 1 stones but it's such a costant struggle!
  20. M

    Manchester meet anyone?

    Mancunian here! X
  21. M

    Word Association Thread

  22. M

    Secret to shaping up

    Will do! Using the phone app so will need to login on a Pc to see the sigs ! X
  23. M

    Mairiphinc's diary!

    How long can I make it without cracking and weighing myself?? Aaargh! Going to do my measurements tomorrow before starting the 30 day shred though.
  24. M

    Secret to shaping up

    Thanks!! I think I'll have a look on Youtube too if anyone has any good links?
  25. M

    When Do You Put Up Your Christmas Tree?

    Beginning of December!
  26. M

    Fish Pedicures

    Yeah I always thought it sounded a bit gross and likely to pass on fungal infections and stuff at the least! Not to mention when I looked in at one of the places that does it at our local arndale there were dead fish on the bottom of some of the tanks! Eww!
  27. M

    Word Association Thread

  28. M

    Secret to shaping up

    I got a 20lb bell a while ago for my birthday and I haven't really used it yet, I just didn't know how to start! I love the idea of it though, it looks proper hardcore! Just need to work out how not to kill myself or put a window through! :eek:
  29. M


    What's a really good DVD to get? The kettleworx set looks way too expensive!
  30. M


    I'm trying to get into walking at least 40mins a day on my treadmill. I don't live in a very nice area so walking outside is better done when it's light nights. I wasn't sure how good it would be for weight loss but it seems to be working for other people!
  31. M

    Newbie - 7 odd stone to lose

    Thanks! I'm so annoyed with myself that I am so obsessed with weighing. I want to leave it to at the most once a week if not less so that I can see bigger positive changes and not get so demotivated by bad days!
  32. M

    Wish I could 'feel' what I tell myself I should feel ....

    I am terrible for doing that when I go off plan, I'm restarting at the moment so it's easy to thnk that it's all gone to pot when you're in the early phases, but you've done so amazingly well so far! Clean fresh start and eyes on the prize!
  33. M

    Mairiphinc's diary!

    I cheated a bit by watching the DVD first! Ha. I'm thinking of starting tonight. Just watching it it doesn't look THAT hard, I know I'll be singing a different tune 2 minutes into actually doing it though!
  34. M

    de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

    I reckon I could get everything looking nice and neat and 'minimalist' if I had about a 3x bigger house! Ha.
  35. M

    Mairiphinc's diary!

    Demotivated day today :( got to get back on it. I can do this.
  36. M

    The passage of time - will you use it?

    In some ways I've wasted the last 7 years avoiding friends and hiding in the house because of my weight. No more!
  37. M

    I challenge everyone to think of something good ...

    I'm kind to animals and let 6 of the little beggars rule my house!
  38. M

    Newbie Posting Privileges and Links Policy!

    I've got some good quotes to add in when I have the space!!
  39. M

    Newbie - 7 odd stone to lose

    Feeling a bit demotivated and rubbish today because after a big meal yesterday and Friday I've out a couple of lbs back on. But got my 30 day shred DVD in the post yesterday so I need to get on it!
  40. M

    completly messed up, put most weight back on

    It's inspiring to see someone get back on track so successfully!
  41. M

    Mairiphinc's diary!

    Naughty day today as we went to Toby Carvery, I recorded it all in MyFitnessPal though so I can try to offset it over the week. Realised today though that you can order a nice chicken salad so I think I'll do that instead I'd we go again. My new 30 Day Shred DVD arrived today too :S money where...
  42. M

    Mairiphinc's diary!

    Going to move WI to the 1st of the month and stop obsessively weighing myself 6x a day! Also waiting for my 30 day shred and 10 minute solutions Blast Off Bellyfat DVD to be delivered! :D
  43. M

    11 weeks to christmas

    Getting a bit scales obsessed which I really don't need to be if I'm being good so I'm going to just weigh myself on the 1st of the month for November and December and then just before Christmas, that way I won't drive myself mad with the little fluctuations. I'll check back here lots though!
  44. M

    Mairiphinc's diary!

    Quick recap, got to my highest weight in July last year which was 17.8, went to Weightwatchers and by November I was down to 15.8, but then I stopped attending meetings because I was in the final year of my MA at uni and things got intense, managed to maintain the weightloss until Xmas but then...
  45. M

    11 weeks to christmas

    Whoo! This should keep me on track! :)
  46. M

    Hello! Newbie here. 7 Stone to lose.

    I'm doing Diet Chef. I've done both lipotrim and CD in the past but as other people have said on here, for some people they only work the first time and I couldn't get back in the right frame of mind to do it again. Diet Chef is real food but it also takes away our excuse for having takeaways...
  47. M

    11 weeks to christmas

    Hey! I'd like to join! My WI day is Tuesday already!! I'm 16.7ish now and I'd like to lose 24lbs by Jan 1st so say 21lbs by Christmas! That means I need to get to 14.10 by Christmas. I'll keep adding to this thread as I WI. X
  48. M

    Keeping going when unmotivated

    I sometimes think when you feel like that it might be worth changing something like your eating plan or your exercise to make it fresh again. But looking at your weightloss you seem to have got past your rut, how DID you solve it?
  49. M

    Self Sabotaging...

    My friend recommended the book to me but I've not been able to read it yet. I get the idea though and I think it's true for me too in some ways. Being very overweight has made me feel safer when I'm out and about, with the stupid (and I know completely false) idea that because I see myself as...
  50. M

    8 stone to lose, could do with a buddy!

    That's pretty brave kicking two addictions at once! But think how you'll feel to be thin and smokefree!!
  51. M

    30 day Shred

    Whoo! Just ordered the DVD off Amazon!!
  52. M

    Does anyone else like gazing at their ticker?

    I love looking at my progress graph in Myfitnesspal. I can't wait to adjust it whenever I lose anything!
  53. M

    Are there benefits to weighing in everyday?

    Our scales are rubbish, in fact any that come into my house seem to go the same way, I think it's because uit's damp, so they say a slightly different weight every time you stand on them! I end up doing it 3 or 4 times and (the shame) picking the result I like the sound of best ;P
  54. M

    feel so much better already

    I had the Nell McAndrew one and I only managed to do the blinking warm-up!
  55. M


    Aww, don't think of it like that, if I get to my recommended weight for my height that'll be 9stones down from my highest (started at 17.8 and should be 8.8) but you have to look at it in manageable chunks. I know everyone says that and it seems impossible when all you can think about is the...
  56. M

    12lbs down millions to go lol

    I'm not doing WW this time 'cos I haven't got time to go to meetings but what kept it working when I was doing it was honest tracking every day for everything I ate, just seeing it written down made me think twice before eating anything else. Also my leader was a bit of a scary headmistress, ha...
  57. M

    8 stone to lose, could do with a buddy!

    Good going! I hope I can be so motivated!
  58. M

    Hello! Newbie here. 7 Stone to lose.

    Hi Cat! You're me but about 2 weeks behind! I started at 17.2 (highest weight ever was 17.8 in July 2010 before losing 2st on Weighwatchers but then putting most of it back on while studying :() and now after 2 weeks I've lost about 8.5lbs and I'm down to 16.7ish (my scales are crap!). I'm only...
  59. M

    Newbie - 7 odd stone to lose

    Lost 8lbs as of today which is day 15. Could have been a bit more at my weight but the first week was touch and go because I found it so hard adjusting from eating whatever I wanted before. Its a milestone too because I lost 2st with Weightwatchers just before Xmas 2011 and I'd put 22lbs of the...
  60. M

    Your funny weight loss stories...

    I'm talking such amusements as wardrobe malfunctions, unfortunate wind *ahem* etc.!! Last year I lost 2 stones with weightwatchers getting from 17 8 to 15 8. I was a bit skint so I hadn't bought new clothes yet I was just tying the drawstring on my pants tighter. We went to the cinema and...
  61. M


    Wheww, just filled in my profile and realised I actually started about 12 days ago! Time flies when you're eating nice food! :)
  62. M

    Newbie - 7 odd stone to lose

    Helloo, I joined over in the Dietchef bit because that's the plan I'm doing, and I MITTS!! But I thought it would be nice to chat to some ladies who also have a lot to lose like me, I've lost 6.5lbs this week and my goal is to get to 10stones which is a further loss of 93.5lbs but I may want to...
  63. M


    Just started on Dietchef 8 days ago and have a final goal of 10 stones which I'm trying to reach by June next year when we're booked on our first ever cruise with my partner's family! I have never been on a cruise or a beach holiday and want to enjoy it and go in the outdoor pool like...
  64. M

    Share your DC recipe Ideas

    Not so much a recipe but a nice addition, I mixed a tin of green lentils with the chicken tikka massala in a big dish after heating both up. I also put a spoonful of chilli powder in with the lentils and some salt and pepper, it adds 180 cals but really bulks out the meal as a good alternative...