10 stone to lose!....3st 10lb left, target june 2012!

hi all, sorry i havent been on for ages. had a minor relapse and gained 2lb so went back up to 230lbs but back down now and am currently at 226lbs. ive started walking in the evenings, i do a brisk 30-40 minute walk with wyatt in his buggy. the walk includes 2 steep hills too so hoping that helps. also started doing wii fit and the 'jillian michaels' wii game (only been doing those the last 2 days but really enjoying them) as well as the biggest loser wii game. im also keeping a food and exercise diary which has been a massive help i think. running around after my 4 kids helps too lol. how is everyone doing, ill try not to disappear again lol :p
yes i think thats the same one that ive got! i cant get used to the running lol theres 3 minutes of running on the spot after every workout, i always do a half hour workout. going to weigh in tomorrow morning, see where im at :)
hi all, im at 222lbs now :) rach dont let 1 bad weigh in get you down, im sure you'll have lots more positive ones! youve done so well already, just remember if the scales show youve put on a lb or 2 you are still nowhere near your start weight which is great! i was thinking the other day, my weight went up by a lb even though i hadnt had a bad day food wise and i got so upset, my first thought was 'right, stuff it im having some icecream' and then i thought, why was my first reaction to get comfort from eating, surely i shouldve immediately thought 'right ill do a longer workout today or an extra workout'. strange. i didnt have the icecream btw, i went for a walk instead lol my will power is getting a lot beter. how is everyone today anyway, it a heatwave here today which sucks!
still at 222lbs today. my bmi is now down from 38.4 to 35.8 so im getting there albeit very slowly lol had some majorly hot weather these last cpl days so the exercise has kinda gone out the window lol rach well done on getting under 266!
glad you're back on track! im still at 222, went to 221 yesterday but back at 222 today even though i done a major workout yesterday for the first time in ages. what do you have planned for this weekend? its my twins' birthday on the 13th so im trying to figure out what to get them, they'll be 2 :) just having a slice of toast and a cuppa then give it an hour or so and ill be working out again. thats if i can wrestle the tv remote off of my eldest (4) shes watching cbeebies lol
You could be holding water after the workout, apparently you hold it to protect your muscles or something, but it will soon go again with more too probably!! I havent done any exercise in a while!! I am hoping ot have a quiet weekend although my two kids are pretty hyper since they finished school on thursday!!
my eldest doesnt break up from school until the 22nd july, she goes to the nursery at the school for 3 hrs a day, in september she will be full time! i cant believe how fast its gone. how old are your kids? mine are 4,2yo twins, 5 months. 3 girls and a boy. im still at 222 today. might go for a nice long walk after lunch with the kids. feel like i need to do something but really cant face a heavy workout today :(
My son is 8, and my little girls is 5, i dont know where the years have gone, feels like only yesterday i was holding them in my arm!! They always finish here really early for the summer holidays, too early if you ask me, as they will be bored soon!! Ooh twins, double trouble!!
believe it or not the twins are the easiest lol they amuse each other. only prob i've had is the biting phase they recently went through, they wouldnt stop biting each other they were covered in bruises. my lil boy is a lil angel bless him, itsthe 4 year old whos a pain lol shes got a right attitude problem atm. i havent weighed mysel yet today, done loads of walking (about 4 miles) and hopefully will get a workout in later so i will weigh myself in the morning i think. been a bit naughty, i just had a mint cornetto, they are so refreshing and it is so bloody hot today i treated myself :D hows your day been?
mmm mint cornettos i love them. My day has been pretty good so far, i actually need to eat more today as not had much, that makes a change!

I hate the biting stage, my little girl is a right diva lol. wants everything her way and if you have something she wants it and now,i sometimes think girls are the worst.
hi. had a bit of a bad week ths week, somehow managed to go back up to 225lb! weighed in at 220 today though. just got back from my evening walk and going to do a workout in a bit. done a total of about 50 mins on the wii fit yesterday and about half hour on the biggest loser. done some yoga this morning, i didnt get time to do a good long routine as had a load of family down for the day. plus when i was doing the yoga the twins decided to play 'tunnels' while i was doing it. they were going between my legs and under my arms lol
no not a huge amount, theres a couple of new games on it, to be honest the only reason i got it was because my kids damaged the other one!! It does have new information on it and you can set how many calories you want to burn each day, also does give you a rough estimate on how many calories you have burnt for each exercise!! hows your week going?