10 stone to lose!....3st 10lb left, target june 2012!

thanks guys. been really good last week n so far this week. ill admit i had a little bag of Reece's Pieces yesterday tho haha tried to give up tea but i just cant, gonna try cutting down the sugar at least, its a start i guess. been doing loads of walking since the cars been off the road which is good. miss having the car tho :(
Think it would be like missing a limb if my car was off the road lol.
Defo take it Carly, well done :)

Did you get your oj, named after oj simpson ;)
Well done mummyto3girls on your w8 loss so far. You seem so motivated and focused wish i was too. R u following a particular diet or just healthy eating?
hi! no particular diet just eating healthier and exercising more. been very lazy this week though :( my eldest is back at school on monday though so i'm going to start walking again instead of taking the car, that's 4 miles a day. might take the dog for an extra walk every day too. went for a run with my sister for the first time tonight and it went really well (until i fell over on the way bk haha). ive got 4 stone left to lose so i really need to get my arse into gear now. done another comparison pic, what do you think? me fat 2.jpg
What a difference! Well done your looking well. I should walk my son to school to rather than take the car maybe that would shif my lard ass!. Ive about 7st to loose doesnt seem doable but prob if i tried hard i could do it.x
trust me if i can do it then you can too! i definitely think ppl underestimate how much exercise helps, even if you have a crappy day food-wise a good long, hard workout can really help and stops you feeling guilty too!
Really motivated by your post. I started at 20st as well and currently weight 16st 3lbs. I am doing WW, but not started exercising yet as I am struggling to find the time to fit it in. I am hoping to start walking soon and get the use of my Wii fit.

Well done on the weight loss so far and all the best for the future x
thank you clartylou :) well done! 3st 11 is an amazing loss :D you will definitely notice how much faster you lose the weight once you get a few good workouts in! what done it for me was definitely walking, i am positive of this. i never used to walk anywhere when i was 20st, then i had to start walking my eldest to school and its a mile so in total 4 miles a day, the weight just dropped off! i am really pleased my post helped you feel more motivated :D good luck!
today has been good so far. took the dog on the school run, just over a mile there and same back. will be walking to pick her up this afternoon too if it isn't raining. had breakfast at about 7.45 so getting a bit hungry. had a banana and apple earlier but gonna have some lunch now.
been a good week so far. figured out that some days i've been doing a 6 miles of walking! i thought the walk i do with the dog was a mile or mile and a half, turns out its over 2 miles! annoyed with the weather, i wanted to walk my daughter to school every day but it's been raining every day. i don't mind walking in the rain but it's not fair on my daughter to make her walk in it lol. i'm pleased with how the walking works out, 2 miles at 8.15am, 2 miles at 2.30pm then 2 miles at 9pm. i use 'walk with me' on the DS and i done 9,172 steps which i think is ok considering you're supposed to do 10,000 a day :) i've only done 1,278 so far today. if the bloody rain calms down i will walk to school in the afternoon.
thanks james! just scoffed a massive orange. my ribs were scrumptious last night btw lol i was eating them when u sent the last msg which is why i didnt reply!
i just found some old measurements from 2010 when i was 18st, i'd lost 2st already but according to the measurements since then ive lost 12 inches off my waist!!! so it must be a bit more than that since i was 20st!