ProPoints 12 in 2012


Full Member
Hi all

I'm new on here, having started properly yesterday.

I'm currently waiting for the groceries to be delivered and then I'll have a lovely bowl of Special K, my fav cereal! In the meantime I've come downstairs to discover my wonderful DH has brought some crisps home from work!!


Off to drink some tea instead. Please please please keep me away from the crisps today...
I may have been tracking my points on WW but I've not been updating my food diary. Bad, bad me!

Anyway, I've got a new plan to get this weight off and here it is. Every night, I will post my meals for the following day and assess whether I stick to it the following day.

So this is my menu for tomorrow:

Quaker Oat So Simple Sweet Cinamon with skimmed milk 4pp
Cup of tea with skimmed milk 1pp

Mid Morning Snack
Banana 0pp

Tortilla wrap with chicken breast, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and light mayonnaise 8pp

Mid Afternoon Snack
Crumpets 5pp

Macaroni Cheese with salad - 11pp

Daily pp = 26/26pp
Weekly pp today = 4pp
Weekly pp in total = 30/49pp
Activity earned = 2pp
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I've edited my diary in my previous post to reflect what I ate today and I didn't do too badly, although I was hoping to stick to my daily pp only today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better! I really don't think I've lost anything this week :cry:.

So onwards and downwards next week :D.
Here's the plan for tomorrow. If I can stick to it, great :).

Toast and grapefruit 4pp
Cup of tea with skimmed milk 1pp

Mid Morning Snack
Banana 0pp

Tortilla wrap with egg mayonnaise, lettuce and cucumber and apple - 8pp

Mid Afternoon Snack
McVitie's Go Ahead Bar 1pp

Spagetti Bolognese - 6pp

Evening Snack
Kettle Chips 30g 4pp

Daily pp = 26/26pp
Weekly pp today = 0pp
Weekly pp in total = 30/49pp
Activity earned = 2pp

Here's hoping I can stick to this tomorrow.