12 Weeks of SS Done and......................

Well Charlie you did it!
Well done hon and thanks for your diary as its one of the things on here that i read over to keep me going.
Enjoy being the slimmer new you and your holiday xx
well done charley i started the same time as you but i have a lot more to lose though, i can't believe the 12weeks have gone so fast!

i did 2 810 weeks (wk 10 + 11) when i went on my jollies and was really quite nervous about eating after all that time but it was fine, enjoy it x
Thanks Slim glad you are reading my diary, I do ramble on a bit !

Hi Debra, you are looking amazing !!!!!!!!!!! I know where did 12 weeks go !

Thanks Hoping ! I see you are off to a brill start !!!!!!!!!!!!!