Step 1 Sole Source 13th May! Day 1

Lol yes disgust ourselves! I'm not quite sure how my husband manages. I can't look at the photos more than once lolol just done my ticker too- no hiding now !

They do bless but that doesn't give us am incentive to lose weight lolol google 'ticker factory' and follow instruction and then you just cut te link they give you and post it at the bottom of your reply x

but it hasn't worked now and I don't know why! Maybe because I haven't done my 50 posts?

Paste it to your signature instead and see if that then works on all messages x
Very positive! I like the incentive of cash llol did you add it to your signature?
Lol c it doesn't work permanently so think needs to be done in your settings. It's your signature for your page.

i can't do mine as havent reached 50 posts but you should be fine.

how you doing anyway?
just starting my 2nd litre of water. Got through cooking kids lunch and they are on fruit now. A banana never looked so tasty!
Ha ha
Im off work today with a bad chest infection and high temp, the weather is lovely.. I was really thinking about not starting the plan today with the excuse that im not well but speaking to u this mrnin has pushed me to not be an absolute dweeb and eat a carb loaded brekfast lol.. Had a yummy choc shake instead.. So thank you my darling ?
Omg! Just typed an essay and its gone!

summaries cause I'm lazy!

Poor you!
your welcome you helped me to; drink according to weight for me it's 4 litres a day! Or until I slosh when walk; I don't work anymore so home with 3 year old twins and food 24/7!

Lol hate it wen that happens..

Im going to try n drink as much as i can.

I bet they keep u on ur toes all day tho, i love kids but i dont have any of my own yet, in the next few years hopefully..

I hate working lol
For me any diet in on the more I drink the more I lose so fingers crossed!

yeh they keep me busy lol but nice and chilled today thank god as tantrums wouldn't go down well today ha ha
kids? After all this hard work to get your perfect body? No chance!

Use a surrogate! Keep your figure lol I hated working too. Starting studying with open university now though so that's my excuse to my husband that I can't go back to work when kids go to school lol
Mind you by the time I qualify I will be drawing my pension (exaggeration I'm only 34 lol)
do you do anything exciting?
Lol i know but im planning to go down to a good weight maybe a little less and then hoping that i wont put it all back on.. If the plan doesnt go to plan.. Il be back to this lol..

Well i recently graduated and i work as a relationship manager with barclays so not a bad job but i just hate working.. Id love to be in a position where i didnt have to work lol

Are ur twins, girls or boys or both? I would loooovvve twins.. X
I had a bottle of water which i was drinking from and helped me keep track of how much water i have drank, half way through it and i just saw my dad using it to water his plant in the patio LOL
Ha ha good plan!
I was so sick during my pregnancy that I actually lost weight so fibres crossed for twins for you!
i have twin boys identical.
they are best things in out lives!

ha ha @ Your dad! That's too funny. Off to the shops for a new one for you lol
Thats so cute.. Well i never lose weight by accident not even wen im ill lol so not even hoping lol..

My dad has many watering cans for his plants for inside the hse and out in the garden but he chooses to use jugs and bottles we use for drinks LOL

Im enjoying this weather its sucha beautiful day..
It was lovely here but then the heavens opened!

think gonna have my second shake now. Got a headache and am hungry. This is the worst part of my day for snacking!!! Just got to get through today !!!!
mhow you doing? Feeling any better?