14 Stone To Lose

N'awww you're making me blush ;) Ta love.

Wish she could get around more though, bless her. I took her with me to go and get the table (well, she had to see if it was the right size for her, as it's now too difficult to get her to the dining table and up again as she gets worried about falling and she can't balance a tray/plate and eat so needs it for meal times) and she was exhausted just walking there and back (if I'd been on my own i could have done it in about 40 mins - it's just over 2 miles (mile each way) and it took us about an hour and half.) Sad when she's not yet 60 and she used to walk for miles just looking in the shops/to work and back again etc etc.
I second what an amazing daughter you are. I used to be a carer in a nursing home so know it's hard work but so worth it to make others lives easier xx

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bless your mum love i feel for her my mum is the same it just crept on her one day she was walking miles next she is struggling and if we go far i need a wheelchair for her but she is still independent bless her
give your mum a big cuddle from me and your a star not a lot off people would be there for there mums or family i have seen it first hand
so you blush love your a little diamond :clap::winner:
Awwww, you'll make me cry! Thank you ladies :) Hope your mum is ok, Chez!

Sadly it's all through looking after (i want to say twat - but I'm in polite company...) my so called grandfather for 16 years (would have been 18 but thankfully he's been in a care home for the last 2). He has systematically broken down me, mum and grandma since grandma married him, even in her last few weeks when she was dying of cancer he would reach under her pillow and steal out of her purse :( he's a horrible awful man who thankfully we are now able to have little to do with.

It's the picking him up blind drunk, the pure stress, fighting with social services to try and get some help and then in later months to get a place in a care home as we got so ill ourselves, the physical and emotional abuse has totally weakened us in more ways than one. Mum is housebound without me and unable to do a lot for herself and I had a heart attack at 26 and have an ongoing heart problem.

That's why I physically hate going to visit him. what makes it even more stressful is the carehome only see the little old man - they don't see the abuse we get when in the room with him. (or what we all got beforehand, obv). That's why we only go once a month - and every 2nd time we go is when there is the lady there who cuts his nails who is there for all but the last half an hour of the visit. Makes it much more bareable!
ohh psp

what a horrid bloody man people like that are so bloody clever and wise there lovely to the outside world but absolute sh**** to there family around them i here you love
gosh your poor grandma and mum and you bloody hell you have all gone through hell with a living b******* like him my hearts with you
your mum bless her gave her life to him and ended up like this and you baby girl having problems with your heart life is so cruel
im glad he is in the home and you only have to go once a month i do know honestly how it feels
they would rather spend the money with there drunken mates and play the big i am i am so glad i do not have this life anymore
here for you hun x x x
Oh psp so sorry to hear that that is horrible what you've had to do. I feel for you. My grandad was horrible and abused me too which was hard because I had to visit him a lot with my mum but she didn't know because I didn't tell anyone till he had died cos I thought no one would believe me. So I know what it's like to keep visiting someone even if your upset and angry with them xx

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Oh psp so sorry to hear that that is horrible what you've had to do. I feel for you. My grandad was horrible and abused me too which was hard because I had to visit him a lot with my mum but she didn't know because I didn't tell anyone till he had died cos I thought no one would believe me. So I know what it's like to keep visiting someone even if your upset and angry with them xx

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Oh lovely, I'm so sorry to hear that! I'm always here if you ever want to rant or talk. *huge hugs!*

I find if I ever let something slip (to be honest, this is one of the most times I've talked about it, I don't really open up a lot about the serious stuff, I take after my dad in that respect (which doesn't help with the heart/stress stuff!)) people can be shocked to hear it and then they judge you for saying it! They have such wonderful relationships with their grandfathers who loved them and who did stuff with them and took them to places that to hear you say something bad about your grandfather (or another 'close' relative who is supposed to love and cherish you) makes you the bad guy! Or I get the 'Aww, yeah. Dementia can do that to people!' Sod the dementia! He's been like it his entire life. Don't excuse his behaviour and what he did/does!

I do have a brother, but he has nothing to do with him, not because of the behaviour and what he's done to me/mum/gran but because he moved away and simply doesn't come back that much (he lives in Yorkshire now) and - if he does come over to see us - he doesn't go and see him. He hears about what we say but I don't really think he takes it in as he doesn't mention or react to it. He moved away to go to uni come 18 and he's turning 34 this December. I think in those 15 odd years, he's seen him all of 18 times, and that includes the 10 Christmases he came home for before he got married aged 30, once for his wedding (where he didn't come over and talk to him other than to say hello and goodbye come the next morning(!). Oh to be a man and to be able to get away from it all!

ohh psp

what a horrid bloody man people like that are so bloody clever and wise there lovely to the outside world but absolute sh**** to there family around them i here you love
gosh your poor grandma and mum and you bloody hell you have all gone through hell with a living b******* like him my hearts with you
your mum bless her gave her life to him and ended up like this and you baby girl having problems with your heart life is so cruel
im glad he is in the home and you only have to go once a month i do know honestly how it feels
they would rather spend the money with there drunken mates and play the big i am i am so glad i do not have this life anymore
here for you hun x x x

Oh lovely, I'm so sorry you had to deal with it too - and I'm glad you're away! It's a hell of a thing to be strong and get away from it.

I've asked my mum many times for us to just give it up and to leave him there and not go visit full stop and draw a line under it but we still end up going even though we both physically hate him (and it). We have to go again on the 10th June and I'm already counting it down to that date :( I think we do it because there is noone else. Noone in the family goes to see him (he's been in there 2 years and my brother has only seen him in the care home once as he came over last april as he'd had a major fit and we thought he'd died. Hasn't been back since!) None of his drinking friends go and see him (despite him listening to them more than anything we said - and always putting his hand in his pocket to buy drinks for them - so they'd do the same for him when he didn't have as much money on him - I reckon he's really surprised that NONE of them have been to see him in the 2 years. I'm not in the slightest). We are the only ones who go - and only because we 'have' to because we have to deal with the fall out when he finally passes away (reckon he'll outlive us at this rate!)

HUUUUUUUUUGE hugs all around, always here if you or SF (or anyone!) ever want to offload, vent or talk :)
hi psp

this is when my weight problem started and i feel my weight is my bodyguard crazy aint it

your brother to me sounds like mine knows what a beep beep he was and stays away x x x
hi psp

this is when my weight problem started and i feel my weight is my bodyguard crazy aint it

your brother to me sounds like mine knows what a beep beep he was and stays away x x x

Not at all, I understand completely! Mine got worse at this point too. I was comfort eating. We still were comfort eating when it came to visiting him as we'd go to the chip shop across the road from the home or go and buy some sweets/biscuits/crisps because we'd been treated so badly by him and shouted at that we needed a reward to get us through.

I'm now trying to think of ways that aren't food based now.

Hungry today! (bloody totm!) went over my MFP calorie allowance by about 150 but that' totally fine as it's too low anyway! Also makes up for those 2 low days during the week too.
Thank you love :) Same here :)

Weigh in day tomorrow, expecting a gain (which I won't chart as I know it's water weight) as TOTM is in full flow (no pun intended!). I know I'm retaining water as my wrists have swollen up so much that I've had to remove my bracelets as they were uncomfortably tight and were marking my skin so I know it's not a proper measurement so I don't want that noting even mentally in my head because it's not something that I can control.
Thank you love :) Same here :)

Weigh in day tomorrow, expecting a gain (which I won't chart as I know it's water weight) as TOTM is in full flow (no pun intended!). I know I'm retaining water as my wrists have swollen up so much that I've had to remove my bracelets as they were uncomfortably tight and were marking my skin so I know it's not a proper measurement so I don't want that noting even mentally in my head because it's not something that I can control.

Boo to totm xx

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:bighug:big hugs x x x lol it looks like me when i have had my wine lol lol x
Bless you! :p

Yep, there's a 2lb gain this morning but I know it's water weight so I'm not altering figures. My fingers look even more swollen right now. Bah totm!