14 Stone To Lose

I have a whole other wardrobe of clothes that I've bought in lower sizes as I really like them but they either weren't available in my size from Asda, Boyes etc - or charity shops. (Heads up for Camplestar before I forget to tell you, the Boyes in Freemo frequently gets ex-evans stock and sells them really cheaply). I've got a festive red jumper dress that I can't wait to wear for Christmas one year too - really hope it's this one :D

Anywho, I digress. The wardrobe is full of everything, there's coats, hoodies, trousers, dresses, skirts and assorted tops - nothing is below 22 as yet (the boobs are so big that even when I lost 5stone a few years back they were still too big for me to come down a size from my start size so I didn't want to push it). Went through them all today, my smart black jacket fits properly now and my winter coat is 90% of the way to fitting too :) It fits and does up but it's a little tight around the shoulders so a few more inches should do it :) . Also did the trousers and hunted out the size 28's - all of them fit :D Including the pair that are bright blue like these.

I have a ridiculous amount of trousers now in 32 down to 28 but I love them all damnit :8855:I'll have to make myself go through them and donate the ones that are the same in other sizes (ie i've black cords in 32 and 28) and the boring plain jeans too as there's not enough storage space - especially if i'm going to keep coming down :)
Just make sure you keep a pair of the size 32 for future comparison! I've got a size 30 pair that I bought for my nephew's wedding just before I started dieting, and when I'm feeling down I try them on - I don't think we fully appreciate the differences we're making without those sorts of visual reminders! :) xx
hi tracy i so agree with you i kept my 30 trousers 1 pair for me to look back at

psp you have done greatt well done darling x x x
Definitely am going to, haven't sorted them out yet (aside from putting 32's in a seperate part). Can't wait to go down another :D
psp your a star love
hi psp

how are you love i hope your ok your being missed x x x x
Hi lovelies, sorry for not being on for a couple of days, went for a looooooooooooooong walk yesterday to look in the charity shops in our three major shopping areas and along the beach too. Did about 4 hours in total - and about an hour today to Asda and Boyes (more about that later...!) so hoping that works for a big loss (though I did ruin it by eating back some of my exercise calories back with some rock (not again, I've realised how expensive calorie wise rock is!)

It may be a bit miserable today, but it was gorgeous at the beach yesterday :)
Bit tired now though! And had some bad news (our lovely neighbour about 3 houses along has had a major stroke and is very very poorly indeed, poor bloke :()

Got followed round Boyes (and then typically Asda) by a man who kept wanting to tell me that I'm beautiful :confused: Couldn't escape! Was a bit creepy really!

Hope you're all well xx
Thanks hun :) He was weird as hell, once was fine and I just sort of gave him an embarassed nod but he turned up everywhere I went. Luckily Asda is massive and was busy so I lost him but creeeepy!

It really is beautiful here sometimes :) We're a backward little place in some ways and our council is crap and ignores everything other than what will feather his own pocket - but the beach is gorgeous, as are most of the local parks - peoples park is gorgeous :) If you can get away for a weekend to your nearest beach I really don't think you'll regret it :) Coupled with a bit of sunshine it was perfect and a lovely walk :) One of those where you don't realise how far/long you're walking because there's so much to look at.

People's Park:
That man sounds well dodgy glad u managed to lose him Hun xxx
Always nice to have some time to yourself isn't it :D

I'm not too bad thank you, dinner can't cook quick enough, I'm starving today! How are you? :) xx
wow love he sounds like a right creepy get yuckie
i love going to the beach i we sometimes get the train and go to cleethrophes for the day love the place and lovely walks i like to look round the little town to and love boyes its like going back in town lolol its only over an hour and a bit for us to get there but i starve all day only have a banana cause i know i will go to the seaview fish shop ohh dear lolol its a good job i hate rock
the people park looks lovely x x x x
Hahaha!! It is alright for the 'end of the line' train wise isn't it :D

Having a 'free' meal out (ie - paid for by vouchers) at a sizzling pub. Looked up some of the calories already -eek!

Having said that, it's one of those places where you get such a large amount that you either need a tiny evening meal so it hould even itself out :)

Had to take one of the dogs back to the vet this afternoon, was picking up the dog mess outside when the other decided he wanted to play and went flying into the other and hurt her. Having spondylosis we can't be too careful but she's doing absolutely fine and is totally unfazed now.
hope dog ok love and enjoy your meal love i love those sizzling pubs ohhhh
Been reading through your diary ,
Your doing so well :)

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Thank you :) I appreciate it xx

Hi darling. Not long left now till you reach 1500 posts!

Going fast as I can :D

Dinner was lovely, asked my friend to watch Molly as was out a little while and was a bit worried about how she'd be, but she was absolutely great. Our only Sizzling pub is up near grandad so it was a nice 'reward' after going to see him (where we snuck out without saying goodbye when he went to the loo as he'd already ranted and raved at us - had more than enough!) haven't felt this full in ages though! Still have 600+ calories left too :D

Hope you're all doing well xxxx